OK, I've received several wonderful stories in response to the "Can You Guess the Writer?" challenge. I'm going to post all of the stories now, each story as a seperate entry on this thread (so keep scrolling to read the stories), and once you've had a chance to read them, give it a go to see if you can figure out who wrote what.

To all of the writers - I have posted your story exactly as you sent it to me, with the formatting that you find in the post (paragraph breaks, etc.). If you find that you want the story to be reformatted, send me an e-mail to let me know.

In order to help the readers post their guesses, below is a list of the story titles that you can copy and paste into your guess post. I've put them in alphabetical order by title. If you are a writer who submitted a story and don't see it listed below, please send me an e-mail in case somehow I failed to receive the story.

Also, we've received one Nfic submission. You'll find that story posted in the Nfic Thread, so head over there to read it but post your guess here.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by...
Clark's Pet Peeve by...
A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store by...
Lois and That Cat by...
Lois and the Cat by...
The Pet Bet by...
That's All it Takes by...
Waiting for Superman by...
Still Life with Python by...

Dance with a Stranger (Nfic) by...

Let's see. How about if all guesses are posted by Saturday, September 4th, midnight EST. I'll post the names of the writers on Sunday and we'll see who's the big winner.

Good Luck!


PS - Feel free, once the writers are revealed, to offer feedback! And thank you to all of the writers who are playing along by submitting a story thumbsup

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah