As some of you know, I just finished off the Future series. It is over and I had hoped to start a pleasant and peaceful retirement.

While I very much appreciated the nice comments and feedback I got on this last story in the arc, still there were some gentle readers who hinted (some came right out and asked) that they would like to see more.

So, in an effort to appease those insatiable fic folcs, yet not disturb my retirement, I have come up with this challenge.

I challenge those readers and writers out there to come up with a little short, or vignette, that shows us where the happy couple is and what they are doing some time down the road. Just a short slice of life piece that tells us what the reunited Lois and Clark are doing with their lives now that they are (and have been?) back together again.

The only thing one needs to remember is that this is a minimum of fifty years removed from the setting of the series. Figure that the original Future trilogy took place after Lois and Clark were married, and our Lois then spent 5 years as a prisoner before she started her life on the alt world. So, if you want to use the timeline from the series, Lois would have gone to the alternate dimension around 2000, so they were reunited around 2050. How long you have had them together when you give us a glimpse of their lives is up to you.

Any takers?

Tank (who thinks it's makes much more sense to let others write out these possible futures than for him to have to come up with something)