Thanks for the kind thoughts also. Yes, I live on the Missouri side, to the south of the city proper, about 1.5 miles from the KC MO city limit.
The Kansas City area straddles the state line, where Kansas City, KS is fairly small compared to Kansas City, MO. There are several other fairly large towns stacked up against KC on the Kansas side (I'm at work in Overland Park, KS as I write this - south of KC Kansas.)
At home, we got some small hail, decent winds and plenty of rain. My daughters were enjoying the excitement of sitting in the basement with their gameboys, waiting for the tornado warning to clear. The closest a confirmed tornado got to us was about 20 miles.
Some areas got 2+ inch(5+ cm) diameter hail, and several hundred houses dammaged with many completely leveled. An aireal picture showed one cul-de-sac that looked like it had been hit by a giant bulldozer. Every house was flattened.
But, on the good side, there was only one fatality in the area - it could have been much worse.


Monolithic biavicide ......... Killing two birds with one stone