Hey guys, thank you all so much for your wonderful comments on this! I'm stunned and delighted. blush

José asked:
Wendy... why the cliffhanger?
Um... because I could? goofy

Nice little cliffie there, even if not in the classic sense of the word. Could this be <gasp> an angst-free Wendy fic?
Ya think, Hazel? <g>

Looks like you all liked the cliffhanger, anyway. Well, sort of. goofy

Joy, thank you!!
One small nitpick
"At that thought, her gaze fell on her partner, sitting at his end of the sofa and sipping his coffee"

I thought he had made two cups of hot chocolate, not coffee.
Yup, my mistake... one not caught by my BRs, either! :p All corrected now.

Hazel asked:
Whatshisname jokes aside, isn't that a bit OOC for Lois? How many people, other than Dan and Lex, did she actually date on the series? Patrick doesn't count.
Actually, I took my cue for this from the Pilot, Hazel. In that, there are two references to Lois dating guys who meant little or nothing to her - she has a little black book, which she went through and chose someone to phone before she asked Clark to go with her to the White Orchid ball. Second, there's that conversation she had with Lucy, where she protests that she has dates, and Lucy counters that she has interviews. Anyway, my vision of Lois dating men who mean nothing to her will become clearer in Part 2. smile

And this reminds me of something I meant to say when I posted Part 1. I'm sure several of you noticed a similarity between the start of this and Erin's lovely The Marriage Pact. I wasn't actually thinking of Erin's story at all when I came up with the idea for this, but once I had the idea and knew that it had to be post- a disastrous date for Lois I realised that it was similar to Erin's. So I meant to acknowledge that at the beginning, but forgot.

And last and most important...

I had the opportunity, on the plane, to read this entirely! It's fantastic, as only a Wendy fic can be!

Thank you for writing it for me, Wendy.
Thank YOU, Annette!! I'm delighted that you enjoyed it. Hope you had an absolutely terrific birthday, even if we did make you eat Chinese food! <g>

Part 2 coming up soon.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*