Good instalment.

The scene with Lois and the clone was well done. You could really see and feel the arrogance of the clone and the constant battle with her panic the Lois was having. But being a Lois Lane, she steeled her resolve and managed to get through it.

I think that once 'our' Lois and Clark hear her story they are going to be appalled and while Lois will be sympathetic to that Lois, Clark is going to obsess about how any version of him could be so evil.

I greatly resent the crack 'our' Lois thought about Lois looking so good in longer hair. It's an established fact that she looks better in short hair. I demand equal time and for Lois to wonder if she'd look as good as 'our' Lois if she cut her hair.

Tank (who thinks it would be even better if Lois went ahead and cut her hair to surprise Clark)