Great part!!! Loved Lois and Andrew conversation, loved Lois and Clark conversation, loved Clark's jealousy! Lois and Clark's lifes are connected and they need eachother to survive!!!

She shook her head. “Andrew said something earlier tonight that made a whole lot of sense, he said: ‘A friendship that is not based on trust, is not a friendship at all’.”

Upon hearing her words, Clark took a deep breath and released it slowly. “I guess this is still going to be a sore point with you, isn’t it?”
Trust is necessary to make any relationship work. Lois believes Clark didn't trust her and now is difficult for her to trust him.

“Yes, and my instincts are telling me two things; that you’re jealous, that Andrew is a real friend, and that he would not do anything like break my heart or lie to me,” Lois said sourly.
For once that is true. Besides Clark, Perry and Jimmy Lois doesn't have much luck with people, does she?


Clark: What is that?
Lois: It's my word.
Clark: There is no such word.
Lois: Sure there is. Someone's a chump, therefore, he's chumpy.
Clark: Try again.
Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy I am.