OH nfic. Kool. I need some naughty romance.

Earlier today... I guess yesterday now...it's way after midnight, I read parts 1 through 6. WOW.

I really hope things work out for Lois and Clark (like duh they will...........<in a little voice> right?)... but I am looking forward to the angst and the other feeling during the journey.

I am surprised that it took so long for Lois to get free...or rather almost free.

A little fast, but I always had the impression that she was the one who gave 'caffeine injection' a visual image.

I ususally have to make myself read stories with A plots. I am glad I made myself read this one. I love it. I love stories that are detailed orientated and don't just skip along. I never noticed the spelling error in James' name. When I read the e-mail that had the e-mail addie's incorrect my brain felt something was wrong, but I never formally acknowledged it. Totally awesome. One of Perry's e-mails...and James totally do not seem legit. I can hardly wait to find out what happens next!!!!!!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.