It is hard to know quite what to say about this story. I hope my comments will be as eloquent as the story itself, but somehow I doubt it.

In its own right, this is a lovely piece of writing, Wendy. It is heartfelt, gut-wrenching, bittersweet... Perfect. I really felt for Dan here -- heck, you made me like the guy! wink

But that is only one level upon which the story can be read. When you add into the mix the real-life death of a member of this community it simply makes the story that much more poignant.

To be honest, I only knew Yael as a name on a mailing list, but that, on its own, is enough to shock me to the core. How much worse, then, for those who knew her better and loved her.

Thank you sharing your tribute with us, Wendy. Thank you for making us think.

RIP Yael.
