I think the "two months" refers to something about Clark, maybe his supposed 18th birthday, which would insulate him from the legal system in both New Troy and Kansas? I assume we'll find out soon.

Another outstanding chapter, Shayne. I really like the way you've made a small change in alt-Clark's backstory and made this a completely natural and logical alternate path. And Clark's desire to learn Aikido is also completely logical, given that it was designed with the safety of the attacker in mind as much as being a form of self-defense ( here is an interesting Wikipedia article). That aspect of Aikido was something I didn't know before reading this tale. Shayne, your stories are indeed educational.

I wonder if the police will come to ask our young Mr. Kent and Ms. Lane what happened that night? Clark would try to downplay the incident, of course, but if Lois got angry about the fuzz hassling her friend and giving Joe a free pass, she might say or do something unfortunate. And we still don't know what, if anything, has happened to Charlie King.

I wonder where Clark is taking Lois to clean the car? Maybe he knows some fairly stable homeless dudes who could use a few extra bucks, or just owe Clark a favor for protecting them from the Mexican street gang. Maybe Lois will learn even more about her mystery "date" before the night is over.

Seems like the six football players wouldn't have had the time to mess up her car after pulling off their uniforms and pads and then showering, although that may have been why Clark and Lois met them where they did in the parking lot. Perhaps there are more than six in this conspiracy, which would mean that Lois is in more danger than either of them suspect. But Clark and Lois were delayed in the stadium, so the timeline makes sense. It would mean, though, that the Stupid Six had this all planned. Maybe the cops will find empty egg cartons and shoe polish bottles in the Trans-Am.

I like the quick posting schedule, too. Let's do this again in a couple of days, okay?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing