This looks like a wrap-up part. I guess we will be going back to see how all the Lois and Clarks fared after being in another universe.

Teri said, “About an hour.” Her irritation at her Grams started coming out, “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving or where you were going? I was getting so worried! I didn’t know what had happened to you! One minute you were here and the next you were gone, without a word! What if something had happened?”
LOL! Talk about turnabout! The granddaughter is giving her Grams a hard time about where they were going? Cute. goofy

“I know I’m right. Remember how it happened? They were investigating ‘The Main Street Bomber’ at the time. They found JJ with a fractured skull. Hattie had been blown up in that tunnel under the street. There was evidence that she had been murdered even though the STAR tried to imply that she was the bomber, just creating a story for the Planet.”
Hattie and JJ are dead in this universe? I have to admit reading this conversation between Clark and Lori was VERY hard. I love Hattie and JJ finding out their young lives were cut short in such a violent manner was distressing. Clark's gentle reminder that they were happy someplace else helped take the sting out of the situation. Herb has a reason for everything he does, but still ...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.