How evil I'd go, Virginia? I don't think I want to know -- I've learned that actually, as bad as I think I treat my characters, the readers can usually come up with something far worse! And thanks for being willing to stick around, even if only grudgingly. wink Clark did have a fast recovery time, but even as exhausted and hurt as he is, I'm figuring that his stress and worry over what was happening would make him wake up faster, alert and ready for the worst...which he seemed to think he'd found at first. As to how they discovered the bit of Kryptonite inside him, I'm not even going to go there. I know NOTHING about the art of medicine, so I glaze over it as best I can and hope no one notices. smile Glad the coffee metaphor worked -- it was one of my favorites! And he threatened to use his powers against Lois, so to speak, at The Window, when he told her unless her robe was lead-lined it didn't matter whether she put it on or not; I've always imagined Clark felt pretty badly about that statement, considering how careful he always is about making sure people know he only uses his powers to help. And maybe your feedback took a long time, but I'm very grateful you made the effort -- thank you!

Thanks for noticing the name change, John! I've noticed, actually, that in most of my stories involving Luthor, there's a moment when Lois switches over. I didn't set out to do it on purpose, but it has always bothered me when, in the show, she keeps calling him Lex all the way up through the end. Understandable, I suppose, but still a bit bothersome. And since it's understandable, I did have her 'forget' a couple times to call him Luthor rather than Lex. And yes, hopefully Clark Kent will be able to make a come-back, though there are the two thugs still to worry about.

laugh I had to grin at your comment about that being a CLARK fear, Colleen! It's very true, and as hard as he's trying to resign himself to his fate, he just can't turn off Clark Kent. And thanks -- that paragraph about him naming his own heroes is one I'm rather fond of, for exactly the reasons you pointed out!

Yay, LMA! That Kool-Aid analogy was one I was a bit worried about; I can't tell you how many times I moved the mouse over it about to delete it or come up with something different. But it conveyed what I wanted it to convey so I let it stay in -- and now I'm very glad I did! smile Lois being his bridge was one of my favorite bits, just because it showed how cut off he feels from everyone, even though he identifies with them all so strongly. The hug was essential! I needed it as much as they did by this point, I think! And I'm glad the touches worked -- it helped that I'd written a story all about her touching him! laugh

I'm actually relieved that everyone noticed right away WHY Clark was so afraid when he woke up where he did -- I didn't want to spell it out, so I needed it to be clear right away. I actually was thinking, halfway through this chapter, that somehow or another, I'd managed to weave in almost every fear Clark has -- not on purpose, I promise! wink And yay again! I'm really glad that you're able to tell what Lois is thinking. It's hard to show her thoughts when Clark's so utterly wrong about what she's thinking, but it is fun to try to get it all in there. I'm relieved that it's all turning out!

Thanks, IolantheAlias! Clark afraid is very easy to write, but very draining because it's so sad!

smile Thanks, Morgana! If my beta isn't complaining, then I'm a happy writer!

And I'm so sorry that I was missing for so long! I had to work extra hours and it was my sister's birthday yesterday and...and anyway, next chapter coming right up -- and for a change, I won't add an extra number at the end. smile