Lois and Clark get into a bit of a mess when decorating their new bedroom.

Paint Fight
By RodStewFan
Rated PG
Submitted 21st July 2004

The usual disclaimers apply none of the characters are mine even the story is poached from a scene in a great British film ‘Shirley Valentine’ so enjoy

Paint Fight blush

Lois and Clark were in their new home decorating the room that will become their room. Clark was carefully painting the doorframe he didn’t have one spot of paint on him. Lois on the other hand was splattered with paint. She looked at Clark; then took her paint brush dipped it in the paint and flicked it at him. He stood very still shocked with his face splattered with off white paint he turned to look at Lois. She was carrying on painting pretending to look innocent.

‘Did you just flick paint at me?’ Clark asked.

‘Who me?’ She said in all innocence’s.

‘Yeah! You! There’s no one else here.’

‘Well you were looking a little too clean.’ She smiled Clark nodded and went back to painting as did Lois. But Clark took his paintbrush and dipped it into the paint and flicked it at Lois. She gasped as the cold paint hit her face Clark grinned carrying on painting.

‘Hey!’ She called Clark turned and looked at her.


‘I can do my own make-up thank you very much.’

‘I just thought you needed a little help.’ Lois dipped her paintbrush back in the paint and flicked it at him again.

‘Right that’s it you’re for it now.’ He picked up the largest brush dipped it in the paint and walked over to Lois.

‘Clark? Don’t you even think about it. Clark! Noo!!’ She shrieked as Clark chased her round the room she giggled. He
backed her into a corner. ‘Clark, don’t you dare, I mean it I’ll…I’ll…’

‘You’ll what?’ Clark challenged with a handsome smile.

‘Just you dare.’ Clark came nearer and then took the brush and dragged it down his own face. Lois laughed at her paint-covered husband. ‘You’re crazy.’

‘Give us a kiss.’
‘No you’re covered in paint you daft fool.’

‘Just one.’ He smiled Lois looked at him put a hand either side of his face and pulled him closer and kissed him.

‘I love you Clark Jerome Kent.’

‘I love you too Lois Lane-Kent.’ They kissed again. ‘Err you know it’s bad luck not to make love in every room of a new house?’

‘You just made that up.’ She chuckled at his boldness

‘Yeah but it sounds good doesn’t it?’

‘Oh yeah sounds really good.’ She kissed him again. ‘First stop should be the shower.’ She smiled. They took a shower together and then made love in every room the decorating forgotten.


Thanks for the love
Thanks for the guidance
Thanks for the TARTAN PRIDE HA!

Can't Stop Me Now - Rod Stewart - Time 2013