Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: John Lambert The Orientalization of Lois Lane - 01/24/14 02:00 PM
This is one of the bizarre ideas I have bouncing around in my head, partly from having read most of Edward Said's book "Orientalism".

I have to admit that at times I think Said goes over the top. However he may have points at times.

The big question here is, do we get an orientalization of Lois Lane in "Pheremone My Lovely". IS her dancing the dance of the seven veils the ultimate in other-izing her? Closely related to this is the ultimate question. Do the writers and producers realize that Terri Hatcher is a quarter-Syrian, and do they realize the problematic issues that brings up?

On the other hand, maybe I am reading things into what is going on that are not there. Hatcher is part Syrian, but that does not mean Lois Lane is such, so maybe I should not try to read anything into the incident at all.

I am not sure this made much sense, but I figured it was finally time to voice my crazy idea.
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