Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: AussieT L&C Memorabilia - 01/02/13 09:39 PM
It's been years since I was active here but I have dropped in every now and then to read a fic or two - great to see them still being written. I am doing a big clean up and have found quite a bit of L&C "stuff" from when the show was on air the first time. It includes US and Aussie magazines, newspaper clippings, photos (some commercial publicity shots and some personal photos from US Folcs who sent them over to me. I have a mint condition Wedding comic and a couple of others, some printed fanfic from ages ago and even old VHS tapes of seasons 3&4 which were posted here in the era when we had to wait 6 months to see the show here. I remember many an IRC chat where US folcs would summarise the eps as they were being aired - that was how I managed to improve my keyboard skills! Anyhow - the point of all of this is that I am offering all or part of what I have to anyone who wants it and all I am after is enough to cover postage. Just drop me an email and I can work out something.

Cheers to all.

Tracey wave
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