Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KenJ What if? - 01/24/12 11:28 AM
This morning I caught a few minutes of TVLand and it was showing an episode of the 'Dick VanDyke Show'.

It suddenly occurred to me that if L&C had been done earlier, Mary Tyler Moore might just have made an acceptable Lois Lane.

She had the figure and the looks to carry it off I think.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: What if? - 01/24/12 11:39 AM
Maybe, not the DVD show... but I think you might be on to something. Her career minded Mary Tyler Moore character from the MTM show was very reminescent of Lois Lane in many ways - a beautiful, successful, single woman in the news industry (true, tv news, but still). And Ted Baxter and Ralph had many of the same qualities. laugh Plus, Mr. Grant was very Perry-esque, and Rhoda very Cat Grant-like. And her best bud, Murray, was very much like an older, wiser Jimmy. Great Catch there, Ken!

Sadly, no Clark Kent character. frown You'd have to watch the D.V.D. show for that kind of lunkheadedness. laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: What if? - 01/28/12 11:51 PM
I just watched an episode of D.V.D. Show and realized you're right. I could totally picture half the conversations between DVD and MTM happening between L&C. It was a hillarious episode (#3) where MTM wants to set Sally up on a blind date with her cousin. DVD tries to talk his wife out of it. Each time, he tells her it would be a bad idea for another reason, she agrees with him. At the end of the scene, she basically tells him she's still going through with it.

Then later when they think the blind date (they had invited the two for dinner) was going horrible, they run into the kitchen.

Laura says to Dick, "You're right. I shouldn't have butted in."

And Dick replies, "Honey, you're right 95% of the time; for the 5% that I'm actually right and you're wrong, would you please let me say so!" rotflol

I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt and tears came to my eyes. I could so picture Clark and Lois having the same conversation.

So, Ken, may I offer you an apology. You were right and I was wrong. wink Thank you for giving me a new place to steal inspiration.
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