Lois & Clark Forums
Up in the "Fanfic Related" discussions, anonpip asked a question about "Wall of Silence". Labrat answered, but I thought there might be more, so I went to the scripts. Turns out there was no more related to anonpip's question, but I found something else that struck me as interesting.

There are two endings in the script. In one, Superman tells Lois the light makes her Kerth awards look bigger, smiles, says, "Good night," and leaves.

In the other, after Superman smiles, Lois hands him a rose. He askes, "What's this for?" and she responds, "Do I need a reason?"

Which got me thinking about the actual ending on the show. I already know the script changed at least once before filming, and possibly it changed again. But it makes me smile to think that possibly, the script was as stated above. Is it not possible that Dean Cain flubbed his line, asking "What's this?," instead of "What's this for?," at which Teri Hatcher ad-libbed, "It's a rose"? Making Dean smile, and repeat his line, correctly this time, "What's this *for*?" smile

Also, and am I the only one who Every. Single. Time. I go to the scripts, clicks on the episode Title, only to then have to click on the 'Back' arrow and click again on the 'Text' link?
Hi Vicki,

I like your ad libbing idea. I don't know how historically accurate it may be, but it is a fun idea.

Also, and am I the only one who Every. Single. Time. I go to the scripts, clicks on the episode Title, only to then have to click on the 'Back' arrow and click again on the 'Text' link?
No. You aren't the only one. blush

LOL - I used to do that. In fact, I was quite pleased with myself that in looking up the answer for anonpip, this time I remembered not to. First time ever. laugh

LabRat smile
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