Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon Theme song in musical notation? - 04/14/08 08:48 AM
Here's a question for the musically inclined...

Is there anywhere I could find the theme from L&C, written in standard musical notation - you know, a five-line staff with symbols and notes?

I don't need the whole thing, even, just the beginning would do just fine.

Thanks! laugh
Posted By: Aria Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/01/08 08:33 AM
Do you mean just the melody?
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/01/08 09:02 AM
heh. Any of it would have been nice. The first few notes - something someone would look at, play and know it's the L&C theme. I dunno. It was an idea for a tattoo -- but since it looked like no one knew where to get that, I've started looking for something different.
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/01/08 10:55 AM
Wow, that sounds like a cool tatoo Lara! Very unique. Too bad it didn't work out. Maybe you can do Batman's theme? evil
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/01/08 11:19 AM
Maybe you can do Batman's theme?
heh. I'd have to find the notation for that, I don't have it either. wink
Posted By: HatMan Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/01/08 12:26 PM
Sure thing.

Step 1: Get the song in MIDI format. A quick web search turned up this site . You can scroll down for L&C or try this direct link . If you want Batman, a quick web search brought me this list of options . Or this page has some, including the 1989 main theme (which was also used for TAS). This site has it, too . This site has something for Batman Begins (which is harder to find, since it's mostly in mp3).

Step 2: Find a MIDI editor. A quick web search turned up this one , which is free and seems flexible and good. Wiki has a list of them .

Step 3: Open the song file in the editor. Ta-Da! Instant sheet music!
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/02/08 06:38 AM
Ah, Paul... I should have known to run over and ask you -- you always know everything. hehe. laugh

Thanks! That's a realllllly cool toy to play with for an afternoon. hehe! (a dork, me? really?)
Posted By: Aria Re: Theme song in musical notation? - 05/02/08 08:46 AM
If I have time, I'll try and jot it down by ear this weekend and scan it in for you. Let me know if you still want it.
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