Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: cookiesmom Spandex - 10/31/07 06:28 AM
I was thinking about spandex. How does Clark keep his suits fitting so well? Does Martha pre-wash the fabric before she sews them? How does he keep them from stretching out? I have a favorite outfit that is only 5% spandex, and it is always too tight after it comes out of the dryer and always too loose after I've worn it for a while.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Spandex - 10/31/07 12:09 PM
He uses his heat vision and super-strong hands to iron them when they get stretched?
Posted By: shimauma Re: Spandex - 10/31/07 02:18 PM
two sided tape. It's how gymnists and circus performers keep their drawers concealing.
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: Spandex - 11/06/07 02:43 PM
His aura keeps the thing fitting like a second skin? No wear and tear, no unflattering bagging and sagging. Just perfect lines. drool
Posted By: Mufasa Re: Spandex - 11/06/07 06:31 PM
I think Superman's 'breeze' is the official explanation. That's why his clothes are intact after an explosion. His breeze protects his clothes and generally whatever is near to his breeze.
Posted By: Mercy Re: Spandex - 11/07/07 02:00 AM
Breeze? You mean 'aura'?

I have this awesome picture in my head of Superman walking around with a breeze following him around, whipping his cape behind him majestically, just at the right times. goofy
Posted By: Mufasa Re: Spandex - 11/07/07 04:30 AM
I think 'breeze' and 'aura' are synonyms.

I believe Dean Cain has made a nude photo-shoot like the one you described.
Posted By: KathyM Re: Spandex - 11/07/07 03:06 PM
I think 'breeze' and 'aura' are synonyms
Although there is a definition at dictionary.com that links the two words together, I wouldn't say that the two words are interchangeable. Off-hand, I can't think of a single sentence where I could substitute one word for another. I could certainly be wrong, though.

I believe Dean Cain has made a nude photo-shoot like the one you described.
I don't want to veer the thread off-topic, but I don't think that Dean has ever done a nude photo shoot. I do know there have been a few nude photographs posted on internet sites that have been fakes.

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