Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: friendofCK COFFEE - 05/24/06 11:38 AM
I have a question in the episode Shook Up from season one. Clark remember Lois does not like real coffee... why then in all the other episodes does she drink coffee??
Posted By: Matrix Re: COFFEE - 05/24/06 12:28 PM
I've always thought he was referring to what she put into her coffee. She normally uses artificial sweetners and non fat creamer.

But in that episode doesn't he see her pouring cream and sugar into her coffee? So he says "I just remembered something, you don't drink *real* coffee" and she responds "today I do".

Since the end of the world was theorhetically on its way, it didn't matter if she had cream and sugar or not. Why should she care that she was on a diet? laugh

Just my take of course.
Posted By: LabRat Re: COFFEE - 05/24/06 01:07 PM
I think you're bang on the button, MR. That's always been my take on it, too.

LabRat smile
Posted By: JudeMustard Re: COFFEE - 05/25/06 04:45 AM
I personally thought that "real coffee" was in contrast to decaf. Although why anyone would be addicted to decaf is beyond me. I think decaf is heresy wink
Posted By: Matrix Re: COFFEE - 05/25/06 05:28 AM
That could be true, but I remember in one of the early episodes (actually I think it's the beginning of All Shook Up) Lois ordered a Cafe Mocha from a street vendor, and Clark ordered a Cafe Latte.

Lois did not request hers as decaf. She requested it with nonfat cream, no sugar, extra chocolate (I think, it's been awhile since I saw that episode) and Clark requested his with extra cream and three sugars. Something like that.

I think if it was implied she drank decaf, that she would have requested it then. smile1
Posted By: Saskia Re: COFFEE - 05/25/06 07:44 AM
Another thing to keep in mind is that Lois actually needs the caffeinne. With her job and all the late hours, she simply needs something to stay awake and coffee just helps.

Saskia smile
Posted By: Carolyn Re: COFFEE - 05/30/06 07:27 PM
I agree with MR also, in a ep (can't recall its name)Clark says: 'Next time decaf for you'.

Having that in mind, I think by 'real coffee', they meant with real sugar and cream.

Carolyn smile
Posted By: friendofCK Re: COFFEE - 06/13/06 10:03 AM
thanks for all the input; that has just always really bugged me

anyways we are down to one week before season three!!!! whooo-hooo smile
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