Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: FFoLnC LnC Bloopers DVD on ebay - 02/12/04 05:20 AM

item link

certainly a vhs rip......
I want this since a so long time.... whinging

I only have the bloopers in very low quality....
Posted By: amciotola Re: LnC Bloopers DVD on ebay - 02/12/04 01:11 PM
Do not buy off this person!

They were selling under another registered name and now I notice they are supposedly suspended again.

1. They are over charging.

2. I tried to buy one of these when they were selling them for a cheaper price and I paid and never recived my item.

3. There's a reason why their Ebay account is in suspension, though I wondered how they were able to start auctions.
Posted By: FFoLnC Re: LnC Bloopers DVD on ebay - 02/12/04 02:12 PM
ok !

Does any real fan has a copy of these bloopers in correct quality ?
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