Lois & Clark Forums
Hi !

I've posted some month ago the adress of my website ( http://ffolnc.free.fr ), containing a lot of HQ pictures.
I would like to grow up the collection. But I need you to do that ! wink

So; if you have photograph, it's would be great to scan it (in very high quality, like the scans on the website) and send it/them to me. Or, if you have some pictures already scanned in high quality, send me a message !

The hq pictures will be add to my website, for the pleasure of every fan wink

THX thumbsup
I just want to say you have a really neat website. I love the colour contrast and the fact that you have HQ pics.

One section, the characters' one, I do not know what is supose to happen. I click ... say ... Perry, and he sorta glows. Is anything else suppose to happen? Is it under construction? Maybe my computer is being silly.

I can't wait to see what will be in your multi-media section!

thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup
I'll certainly not continue the construction of the site..... now, i just want that this site become THE website for HQ pictures smile

But i need help for that smile

For info, the glowing was for select a character, and then, the bio appears.... but, i havtn got time to finish that wink

Hope people will help me in my quest frown
Your photos are great ... I hope you keep updating the site. I'm not sure what HQ photos are; does that stand for "high quality"? They certainly are that!

I noticed that you say the show is currently in its 3rd season and your episode guide only goes up that far. Is there a reason you haven't continued it? I'm pretty sure the show isn't in its first airing in France, LOL.

Nice job on the site!

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