Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Julie S Take my quiz - 01/02/04 10:53 AM
You can find my recently published quiz here: L&C Quiz

You don't have to be registered with the website to be able to take the quiz, although then your mark won't be registered anywhere (so you can show off your marks in this thread smile ). Comment: it's really not hard for anyone who knows the show, so it surprised me that it's rated difficult. I was afraid it would be too easy smile

Posted By: KathyB Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 11:01 AM
I took it. smile

I got an 8 out of 10, though I disagree with one of your answers, so I give myself a 9 out of 10. smile

Do you want me to say here which one I disagree with or write you privately with the information?

I could put spoiler space, I suppose ...

Fun quiz, though ... I think they rate it difficult because the questions are very episode-specific and a casual or non-online fan probably wouldn't have any idea about episode titles. But for FoLCs, it's a good level of difficulty, IMO!

Posted By: Wendymr Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 11:11 AM
Fun quiz! thumbsup

Yes, I got 8 out of 10 too, and disagreed on the same question as Kathy (just asked her on IRC wink ). But I also disagreed on the other one I got 'wrong'.





It was Joey the Handyman who created the Kryptonian virus, not Mindy Church. Mindy paid him to create it, but he was the one responsible.

Second, Mrs Cox was Lex Luthor's personal assistant; she even described herself as such in House of Luthor. Nigel St John was his butler/general assistant - I don't think we were ever given a job title for Nigel! wink

Wendy smile
Posted By: KathyB Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 11:16 AM
There's the spoiler space I should have just included. <g>

Yes, the Mrs. Cox one was the one I disagreed with ... I got the Mindy one right, but looking at it again, Wendy is right that there are two correct answers. Mindy had the idea but she paid Joey the Handyman to help put it into action. Mindy did, however, get Superman into position so that he could be physically infected, though, so maybe that's what you were going for. smile

Posted By: Julie S Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 11:21 AM
Hmm, you are right. blush

I will rephrase the one about the virus.

As for the one about the assistant, I will add Ms Cox to the possible answers. Were we ever given a first name for her? I remember in MLT's 'A Matter of Destiny' it was Angelica, but I don't think they ever said that on the show, or did they?

Posted By: KathyB Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 11:38 AM
Nope, Mrs. Cox never had a first name given on the show. All we know is that there used to be a Mr. Cox but "he died". When Lois said "I'm sorry", Mrs. Cox replied, "I'm not." wink

Posted By: Julie S Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 12:08 PM
Thanks, Kathy.

Okay, I fixed both questions- thanks for pointing them out. smile
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 02:01 PM
I got 7/10. Not bad, considering that I have missed more than half S1 and seen all of the other episodes just once!

(Missed questions #1, #6 and #7)

Nice quiz. Try making more!
See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 03:31 PM
Only got a 7 but that's ok. smile Thanks for taking the time to set this up, Julie. smile

Posted By: Shadow Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 05:06 PM
Fun quiz, Julie! ROFL, I only got 5 right. It definitely shows how long it's been since I've seen the show! laugh

Posted By: Julie S Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 07:01 PM
Thanks, guys! smile The 'create a quiz' feature on the site is down temporarily, but when it's up again I'll create a new one for you!

For now, I found a something you might find fun. Not by me this time.


PS: Anna, you have a typo in your signature- it's supposed to be conjunction.
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 09:32 PM
I got 7/10. I can't believe I got some of them wrong. I need to brush up! One (the zodiac) I totally didn't know. Good one!
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Take my quiz - 01/02/04 10:34 PM
I got 9/10. Not bad for someone who hasn't watched an entire episode in 2 or 3 years smile .

- Laura
Posted By: Carolyn Re: Take my quiz - 01/03/04 09:06 AM
Fun quiz Julie thumbsup

I got 9/10 laugh

You should make more,

Carolyn smile
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Take my quiz - 01/03/04 03:03 PM
Anna, you have a typo in your signature- it's supposed to be conjunction.
Thanks, Julie smile

Posted By: Julie S Re: Take my quiz - 01/04/04 09:41 PM
Thanks, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed my quiz! So now we'll have Lynn and Pel do the trailers and I'll do the quizzes. smile Actually, I'm not sure that's an option on this website but I could try and make a fanfic quiz. laugh

Wendy, in 'Strange Visitor from the Congo' you described Nigel as a personal assistant. smile

Anyway, do you think I could add Asabi to the list? Who was he?

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Take my quiz - 01/13/04 02:34 AM
Interesting quiz, Julie!

I got 9/10...yep I failed on the first question: "In what episode did Lois first find out Clark was Superman?". Silly me, I totally forgot about Tempus Fugitive :p .

Carole smile1
Posted By: ethnica Re: Take my quiz - 01/16/04 06:04 PM
Terrific quiz, Julie. thumbsup I got a 6 - I'll take it. laugh
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