Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: JellyS2 Camp NaNoWriMo - 06/20/19 09:03 PM
Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone else would be interested doing a Camp NaNoWriMo challenge during the month of July. If so, I was thinking of starting a Private Cabin for Lois and Clark fans. Cabin Sorting takes place on the 25th of June and there are some instructions to be in a private cabin that must be followed. If you are interested, reply and I'll get one set up for us and then we can all join.

What is Camp NaNoWriMo? It is a goal oriented approach to writing (its like NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, in November)). In Camp NaNoWriMo, you pick the goal. You can shoot for time spent writing, or words, or pages -- however much you think you can achieve. Then you start towards your goal on July 1st and strive to meet your goal by July 31st. For more information, check out their website: campnanowrimo.org. NaNoWriMo started my writing last November and I can't wait to do it again.

Posted By: cuidadora Re: Camp NaNoWriMo - 06/20/19 11:57 PM
Would love to be part of a private cabin. Count me in! wave
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Camp NaNoWriMo - 06/21/19 01:50 AM
Sounds like fun, but my July will be too busy to join.

Are you going to ask for the Hawks cabin? wink

Posted By: JellyS2 Re: Camp NaNoWriMo - 06/21/19 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Sounds like fun, but my July will be too busy to join.
You don't have to let that stop you! Make a smaller goal that fits in with however much time you can spend. A few hours, a few pages, a few hundred (or thousand) words?

Are you going to ask for the Hawks cabin? wink
grin That is exactly what I was thinking!
Posted By: JellyS2 Re: Camp NaNoWriMo - 06/21/19 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by cuidadora
Would love to be part of a private cabin. Count me in! wave
YAY! clap

So I set up the cabin and it is totally called 'Hawks' grin. It doesn't have any lighting issues or wind and we all know how we can get if it faces the wrong direction wink.

Steps to get in: (which anyone else wanting to join can follow!)

1. Make a campnanowrimo.org account, or a nanowrimo.org account, or use the one you already have. ( Here is the link for the campnanowrimo.org page to do that) (you can skip the camper profile for now or do it, up to you)

2. Create a writing project: There was a button on the main page telling me to do this. If you don't see that, you can get to it by going to 'My Camp Nano' and then 'My Writing Projects'. This is where you will select your goal (you can totally change it later too smile. You can change anything at anytime.)

3. Set your Cabin Preferences: There was also a button for me to do this on the main page. If you don't see it, you can get to it by going to 'Cabins' and then 'Cabin Settings'.

a. Choose 'I don't want to be included in a cabin.' (Keeps you from being stuck in one randomly)
b. Make sure 'I don't want cabin invitations this session.' is UNchecked.

4. Send me a message to invite you! Two ways to do this.

a. Go to your Camp inbox ('Conversations' then 'Camp Inbox' and send a message to 'JGastler'.)
OR (though you are welcome to do both smile)
b. Reply here and tell me what your user name is.
Posted By: JellyS2 Re: Camp NaNoWriMo - 06/26/19 12:22 PM
5 more days until July 1st! Anyone else want to join in? See direction above or ask questions if you have them! grin

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