Lois & Clark Forums
Considering my track record with doing something in a given time-frame I don't usually offer my talents for anything, let alone writing. With that said, I have a LOT of different drafts and plots that are sitting on my computer waiting to get used. So i have an idea and I wanted to get input before offering it.

Basically I have between 30-40 different stories that are languishing on my computer (over 30 are LnC specific but not all of them are). Idea is to let the person either winning the bid or picking up the offer choose which story I focus my excess time and talent on in the coming year. I just don't know if this is enough compensation as I don't think I can guarantee posting (although a few are so close a push like this is likely to get them up on the board.) So my conundrum is, what is the likely value of getting to see nearly all of my unfinished works and having the power to choose which one? Or do I (somehow) offer up the options as an auction?
Maybe you could narrow it down to the ones that you said would be near ready for posting if you had the extra push? Or narrow it down to the ones that you're most interested in finishing, thus they'd be the most likely to be finished? Then you could have an auction for the winning bidder to choose what you finish with a special thank you or something?

I totally get what you mean! I actually have a WIP that's be languishing forever. I was thinking of offering the winning bidder the chance to get a special thank you in the author forward and the chance to read the ending first or something. But I'm still pondering. smile

Sara smile
Another option might be to narrow it down to the handful you feel have the most promise, then offer a vote to everyone who donates a certain amount ($1, $5, $10, whatever you choose). Then you can post summaries of each one and open a poll for everyone who donated to vote in. Donors get to vote on what story they'd like to see most and you get the push you're looking for. smile

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