Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Asabi - 12/23/13 07:08 PM
Hello all,

I finally have sometime to work on a story that I've been kicking around for months in my head. Asabi plays a role in it. I would prefer to stick with canon with regard to his history. I can't recall that we know that much about him, other than that he works for Lex, can handle dangerous snakes, and is a bit of a mystic. Do we know anything else about him? Based on his garb and his accent, I would guess him to be from India, but I have no clue as to which part.

Can anyone fill in any more blanks? I might at one time have known more, but it has been far too long since I have had the chance to watch any canon, and I know I've forgotten a lot.

Posted By: Christina Re: Asabi - 12/24/13 06:51 AM
I'm not sure of what we know of him but if I remember correctly we can find him (and any possible info on him) in "Seconds" where he has a relatively important plotpoint role as the "guru" to Luthor (trying to "learn" the mystical ways of the "Thuggee Cult", a band of professional assassins that worship Kali, the Hindi Goddess of Destruction (while they claim this, most of the ones of this group are muslims). That's actually an interesting take on things if a little inaccurate to the general population of Indians. He reminds me visually of the valet at the Taj Hotel Palace in Udaipur. I don't think I met a single person in India that reminded me of Asabi (probably serving the upper crust of India.) Which caste he is? don't know. Doesn't remind me of anyone in my friend's caste (he's a Brahmin, which is the guru/priestly caste).

There's also info on him (sorta) in "I've Got You Under My Skin" from season 4.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Asabi - 12/25/13 10:38 AM
Hi Christina,

Thanks for your informative reply. I had remembered his role in IGYuMS, but I had forgotten Lex's comment in Seconds.

Although Asabi plays an instrumental role in the story I'm about to post, I decided to minimize my actual discussion of him.

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