Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis Guns used in fanfiction - 02/04/13 02:16 PM
I swear somewhere here we had a discussion on the types of guns used in TV and movies. I was going to attach my new find to that thread, but I can't find it anywhere. So here's the information.
In yesterday's LA Times they profiled guns used in movies and TV. The site is Firearms in movies
So anyone needing some information for a story can go there.
I found the original discussion on Trask's gun. Here's the thread:
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Guns used in fanfiction - 02/04/13 02:32 PM
Lo and behold, they even have a LnC page ! It would have been more helpful if it was organized by episode and not weapon, but when I have time to look at it properly, maybe I can finally figure out what to call Trask's and Luthor's weapons.

Thanks for the link, Artemis! clap

EDIT: A quick view of the photos and they had Trask's gun listed, but not Luthor's gold gun (from Requiem), too bad.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Guns used in fanfiction - 02/04/13 05:55 PM
I've used that a couple of times for other fandoms, it's pretty good. There are some similar sites I've found useful that cover vehicles etc.

I wanted to identify the plane in Kill Bill, someone pointed me at the Internet Movie Plane DB. It doesn't cover many TV shows, but if you've seen a plane in a movie and want to find out what it is for your fanfic, this may be able to help:


The most useful TV show I've found so far in it is NCIS, lots of planes etc. for that one.

Also Internet Movie Car Data Base


You have to search for specific movies / shows rather than browsing, and there isn't as much information as there is in the planes database, but it seems fairly comprehensive. Here's the Lois and Clark page


And another for helicopters, seems rather better

Posted By: Artemis Re: Guns used in fanfiction - 02/05/13 10:48 AM
Hi Virginia:
Thanks for the link to the LNC Page. I didn't even get that far. They have a picture of Lex's golden gun. Lex\'s Golden Gun
I will browse more on the site.
Thanks, Marcus. I've used your link to the plane site since planes are my thing.
Artemis Bigger pic of the scene
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