Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Jack - 11/16/12 12:54 AM
Random question. Did Jack ever have a given last name on the show? I'm thinking of using him in a story I'm working on and I'd like to be able to use his last name/give him one.

Thanks in advance for the help!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Jack - 11/16/12 02:51 PM
According to the Complete Guide to LnC Characters Jack and Denny's last name was "Miner". You can also check the script for Foundling at the top it gives a list of character names... Hold on, I'll double check it...

Hmmmm. The section of the script which lists out the characters (actors) needed for the episode doesn't list a last name. I guess it must have been mentioned at some point. huh Although I've used Jack and Denny at various points in several of my fics I don't think I've ever used their full name.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Jack - 11/16/12 03:04 PM
AHh, thanks, Virginia. I *thought* I might have seen that somewhere, but didn't see it in the Foundling character list when I checked. I may just go with Miner.

You rock! dance
Posted By: John Lambert Re: Jack - 11/19/12 07:27 PM
It is obscure enough that you can go with anything you like.
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