Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Karen Kerth Ceremony tidbits - 04/12/12 06:46 PM
I thought of adding this to the other thread, but I figured this might get more eyes. I just wanted to let everyone know about a few cool things to get ready before the ceremony.

First off, for those that haven't attended before, or have forgotten since last year, the ceremony takes place in #kerthawards and #kerthchat on the Undernet.org server. Make sure you're connected to Undernet, or else you'll be the only one there!

With the Kerth ceremony, we have a whole bunch of sounds that help liven up the proceedings. Drumrolls, applause, even a few songs, heyba heyba. You can download the songs at the Kerth website . Check your program's help file for where to put them and how to enable sound. (I'd give exact directions, but I need to install these particular programs myself so I can have an IRC program with sound).
Guide to mIRC sounds
Guide to ircle sounds .

Something new we're trying this year is actual award certificates during the ceremony! Just like any other award show, the winner will actually have a certificate once their name has been announced. This certificate is actually smaller and generic. The "official" certificates with the winners names on them will be sent out later.

Now, I figure there are two ways to do this:

- Sending the certificate through IRC. You will need to make sure that you have DCC enabled in your IRC program. Again, check the program's help files to find out how to enable it. Feel free to hop into #loisclark on Undernet to test it out. I'll be testing my computer as well to make sure everything is set up properly.

- Email. The winners can message me their email address, and I will promptly send the certificate to their inbox.

I know the directions are kind of vague, but I haven't actually used mIRC or circle consistently in a few years, and I need to re-install them myself. If there any questions, feel free to ask.

Hope to see you all there!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Kerth Ceremony tidbits - 04/12/12 10:56 PM
Thanks for the info and the link to the sounds! smile
Posted By: MLT Re: Kerth Ceremony tidbits - 04/13/12 09:02 AM
I'd like to add something here if that's okay, Kerth Committee.

Since I'm the person responsible for doing up the certificates after the ceremony, it would be very helpful if every person who wins would send me a quick email so that I can be sure to have your up to date email address for sending out your certificates (the ones that will have your actual name on it). It can be very frustrating trying to track down email addresses to send the certificates.

To do this just send me an email at mlthompson@lcfanfic.com

On the Subject line of the email, just put something like: SEND ME THE KERTH CERTIFICATE FOR... (Be sure to tell me your pen name so that I can know which certificate(s) you want laugh ).


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