Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Ultra Woman KERTH QUIZ #2 - BEST WAFFY (1-50K) - 01/19/12 03:21 AM
Next up: Kerth Quiz #2 - Best WAFFy (1-50k).

I’m copying Amberlea’s instructions because she has explained the quizzes better than I ever would. wink

As far as I can ascertain, all the stories in this quiz qualify for the Best WAFFy category for the Kerths of 2012. Inclusion should not be taken as a recommendation, and these are not the only stories that are eligible for nomination. This quiz features only 10 stories following the one-author rule. Not all the featured stories are on the archive. A couple of them were posted just on the boards.

Don't forget: you are encouraged to recommend other eligible stories.

QUIZ RULES: If you get the story and author from the quote, that's worth two points. If you need the excerpt as well, you get one point. If you don't specify how much information you needed, you get one point.

You can use the archive, the boards and stories on your hard drive.

Don't include the quotes and excerpts in your reply. Don't forget to include a spoiler space.

The DEADLINE for entries for this quiz is 11:59pm (west coast of USA), Saturday January 21th.

More elaborate quiz instructions can be found here .

Please post your answers here .

It’s my debut in the quiz party, so be patient with me and forgive me if it is too easy or too hard.

Have fun!






















1. “That’s sweet, Clark, but really, what else could possibly happen? The psycho who tried to kill me is dead. What are the odds that another gunman will take up the job tomorrow?”

2. “Don’t be silly, Clark. I sit right across from you.”

3. “I bet you didn’t know I know how you like your coffee,” she said smugly. “With whole milk and three teaspoons of sugar.”

4. She smiled. “You know what Clark? I’m struggling to think of someone else I’d put myself in this situation for. And in the long run it might be good for me, you know? Character building.”

5. She giggled, a light, airy sound that dispelled any lingering doubts that he still had. She smiled wryly at him. “I always did wonder if the suit came off.”

6. Lois raised her eyebrow. "Only if I lose the bet. Which I won't. Are you willing to risk it? Or are you chicken?"

7. "It's all over his face every time he looks at you," she tells me. "He looks at you like... like you are the sun."

8. “Go?” She probably wouldn’t have looked more surprised if he’d asked her to dance the Hokey-Pokey.

9. “Wow, a real plant killer.” Clark shook his head in mock horror. “I’ve heard rumors about people like you -- I just didn’t want to believe they were true.”

10. The bellhop looked from one of them to the other and squeaked, “You’re not married?”















1. Hiding from Superman! It had come to this! She felt silly, but didn’t know what else to do. She was sure that somehow he’d be able to tell her secret just by looking at her. He was Superman, after all. What couldn’t he do?

2. As she closed the distance to Clark’s desk, she couldn’t help thinking that if that blonde hussy sat on his lap she was going to scream. Fortunately for everyone’s ears – and Lois’s sanity – the girl was still standing when Lois reached them.

3. Suddenly, her reporter’s instinct kicked in, knocking her emotions and fears to the back burner. She suddenly had a mystery to solve, and the only person in the world who could help her was Clark Kent. Even though she hadn’t spoken to him in weeks. Even though she had rejected his love in the park. She knew she could count on him. He’d help her make sense of Superman’s cryptic reaction, maybe even confirm that she was right, that Superman had another identity! And then once she faced that truth, with all cards on the table, maybe, she could decide how to move forward. She could either summon the courage to march down that aisle and marry Lex, or tell him that she couldn’t do it because she was in love with an ordinary, super man.

4. She felt her cheeks start to burn slightly. Why did she care that how Clark thought she looked? Why, when she had been getting dressed, had it seemed so important to her to look good for him? She’d known that he wouldn’t care what she wore, that he would still have taken her if she had decided to wear her gym clothes. He still would have called her stunning. She felt her heart rate pick up.

5. A pounding knock sounded on his front door. So that was what had ripped him from his sleep. He grabbed up a pair of lightweight navy blue drawstring pants from the floor and slipped into them. He glanced at the alarm clock on his night stand as he did so. It was twenty after two in the morning. He’d been asleep less than two hours, thanks to a fourteen car accident on the I-95 North as it drew close to the New York border. He rubbed his eyes, yawned, and slipped his glasses on, not bothering to find a shirt.

6. Lois knew now that she wanted more out of their relationship than just friendship. And the more she thought about it, the more she thought that Clark did, as well. His profession of love in Centennial Park several months ago seemed, upon reflection, to be much more sincere than his subsequent retraction of it. She was determined that before they returned to work on Monday, Clark would know of her feelings. She wasn't sure quite how or when they would have that discussion, or even how she would broach the topic, but broach it she would.

7. I see the pile of Ivory Tower videos on my dresser and consider throwing them across the room. They are the reason why. Clark bought me an entire season of videos last week. Just because. Just because he loves me. Because as much as it's my one guilty pleasure that no one knows about, I let him in on it. Because I wanted him to know my secret. I mean it's no 'I moonlight in tights,' but still.

And the videos, he said, were his way of letting me know that he loves me, all of me. Even the me that likes to watch silly soap operas.

8. “…Like a—mmph!” However she’d intended to try to save face on that one was cut off by Clark’s mouth pressed firmly against hers. She gasped around his lips as her eyes bulged wide for all of two synchronized beats of their hearts, and then her lids fluttered closed as Clark began slowly moving over her, his lips tenderly caressing hers as his hands moved from her shoulders, where he’d held her until he was certain she wouldn’t try to flee. He trailed up the length of her neck to tangle his long fingers in her hair and gently massage her scalp as he pulled her inexorably closer and closer.

9. Clark’s hand touched her cheek. He wasn’t wearing gloves and yet his hand was warm against her skin. His fingers stroked into her hair and her head tipped back. Clark started to lean closer and Lois closed her eyes. In the expectant seconds as she waited for his kiss, Lois remembered how it had felt to be held by Clark. She remembered the solid comfort of his arms and chest as he had slowly rocked her on her kitchen floor. There was no one else like him, no one else who had ever made her feel that safe and cherished – not even Superman.

10. They walked easily through the quiet streets, several people hurried by, entering some of the local restaurants for dinner. The autumn air tinged with a pleasant snap to it. The couple felt content and easy in each other’s company. Almost reluctantly, they reached the outside steps of his apartment. Clark halted at the bottom and beckoned Lois to sit down on the top step.

Good luck!
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