Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR No More L&C on Netflix Instant List!!! - 07/27/11 05:42 PM
I just went to double check some detail for my story on Season Two and found out that Netflix removed L&C from their instant list!! (because not all details in the script match was actually on the episode)

Very ANGRY with Netflix at the moment. They want to raise their prices and then they go and do something like this!!

Not that Netflix's Instant viewing was all that great to begin with all the missing minutes from S1.

Time to buy S2-S4 on DVD.

Thanks for letting me gripe.
I have to add to this, because I was just as mad as you! mad When I found that out, I was doing research for a story, too- and I spent almost a week going through mood swings of either being wallowed in self-pity whinging and pissy and wanting to do some serious damage splat ... and it didn't help that I was pms-ing! I'm seriously thinking quitting Netflix now.. except I have to finish getting through my LOST marathon first. I don't know. My bark is worse than my bite usually, so I probably won't follow through, but I will send Netflix scathing reviews and perhaps a letter or two!

Probably gonna end up purchasing the whole LnC series myself just to be on the safe side... laugh
I know that this doesn't help you, but Brits may find it useful to know that Play.com have all four series fairly cheap with Region 2 (Europe) coding.


Season 1 - £5.99
Seasons 2-4 - £10.79 each
Posted By: dcarson Re: No More L&C on Netflix Instant List!!! - 07/28/11 05:51 PM
The price rise is handled badly. What they can stream is up to the copyright holders. Netflix can't just buy some copied of the DVDs and stream them, they need a license. It used to be that the studios considered Netflix and such the bottom of the line and what money they got from them as scrapings. The real money came from reruns, DVD sales etc. Now that more people consider online as the normal way they want a lot more money.
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