Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Felar Looking for a Beta - 06/01/11 12:40 PM
I'm a quirky writer.

I'm looking to establish an extended relationship with a beta, to start with a few snippets and 20 Min Challenges but will still be available for longer stories /story arcs in the future.

So I need a beta that:
1.) Is comfortable with my extensive use of ellipses.
2.) Will not flinch when I occasionally end my sentences with a preposition.
3.) Is not afraid to question and push about anything that seems OOC. (I love to push the "what if button", and put characters in situations where they never where intended to be, so I need someone who will hold me accountable to the core character.)
4.) Can handle all kinds of POVs. (I don't change POV inside a fic (often), but I do like to experiment especially with snippets... etc.)

Is comfortable with sex, most kinds. (See my OOC comment above.) I don’t have any non-cannon parings “planned” but just in case, I wouldn’t want to squick my beta.
(Things I might do: BDSM, Slash-fic, multi-pairing, deception, blades/weapons... Don’t worry I’ll notify you of the specifics of a story so you can, if you want to, bow out. But if you like it vanilla, you probably won’t like a lot of my stuff.)
Sometimes I get dark, not death (at least not of a major character.) And sometimes angsty, so someone who can handle the darker side would be appreciated.
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