Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis Help With Saving Epubs - 03/21/11 07:39 PM
I'm all excited to see all the stories coming in all the formats. That's really wonderful. My problem is when the epub is downloaded, it disappears into the bowels of my computer and I can't find it. It opens with my reader software, but that doesn't save it, nor can I find any commands to save it somewhere.
Does anyone know the smooth path between the download process and the the reader? I can't save it to the desktop because it gives me no option to do that.
So -- Help, Superman!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Help With Saving Epubs - 03/21/11 07:50 PM
How are you saving it? Are you right-clicking the link and choosing "Save Link As"? If not, you might want to try that. (I'm assuming here that you are using some version of Windows.)

Posted By: Artemis Re: Help With Saving Epubs - 03/21/11 08:17 PM
shock shock sloppy
Thanks for the memory jog. I left clicked it and I use Firefox. So I right clicked and did "save link as" and it worked! It doesn't pay to do these things when you're tired.
Thanks so much. Gee, 3 days away and I can't remember how to do things! And yes, I'm using Windows 7.
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