Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kathryn84 Adoption in the US in the 1960s - 12/04/10 04:12 AM
Does anyone know about adoption in the 1960, especially in Kansas? How could Jonathan and Martha adopt Clark without a birth certificate or anything else which would give any indication of his heritage?
And how would the people in Smallville react when they hear the story the Kents made up to explain Clarks appearance? I can't remember if any explanation was given at all in the series but I think the most commonly used story is Clark is the illegitimate child of one of Marthas relatives? Would the background story cause tongues to wag?
Thanks in advance
Posted By: Dandello Re: Adoption in the US in the 1960s - 12/04/10 01:47 PM
Well, the version I've used and that my research indicated was at least possible: Smallville and Lowell County are very small and the sheriff and local judge, etc. know Martha and Jonathan and know they are honest and trustworthy. Based on their recommendation, the local CPS was willing to place the baby the Kents claimed they found in a field with the Kents until the sheriff could investigate the situation.

The sheriff found nothing to indicate the baby had been declared missing anywhere in the US. The local authorities then approved the Kents to keep custody of the baby, leading to adoption.

Although this scenario runs the risk of the baby being taken away and sent off to a foster home elsewhere, it does solve the problem of where the baby comes from - a birth in the U.S., legitimate or not, would have a paper trail which didn't exist.

See Angel Found
Posted By: KathyB Re: Adoption in the US in the 1960s - 12/04/10 04:00 PM
Since this was never addressed on the show, I think you can be as creative as you'd like to be with your story. Some people have used the "child of a relative" angle, with Jonathan and Martha each telling their families it was from the other side of the family. Others have used the help of an authority figure such as an elderly doctor who signed the paperwork for them. In the comics, as I recall, one continuity had Martha and Jonathan discovering a newborn Clark in the spring after a long, snowy winter, so no one in town had seen Martha in person for months and no one doubted her story when she said she'd been pregnant all winter. In the L&C continuity, since Clark was discovered in May (when presumably Martha would have been out and about), you could have Martha laid up all winter with an illness or injury, and thus be housebound until right before Clark was discovered. That way, there'd be no reason to bring adoption into it at all.

As for whether Smallville residents would gossip about Clark's origins, I think some might, though I doubt anyone would be shocked that a teenager could be unmarried and pregnant. (In fact, it might be an interesting twist if a "fast" Smallville teenage girl left town that winter and everyone in town always just assumed it was secretly her son and that's why the town doctor decided not to ask too many questions.) On the flip side, the gossip might revolve more around the fact that people were so happy for Martha and Jonathan that they'd finally been able to adopt, since everyone felt sorry for their plight.

So I'd say use whatever works for your story -- if you want there to be a scandal, make it a scandal; if you want it to be no big deal, have the neighbors shrug and go about their business. smile

Posted By: Dandello Re: Adoption in the US in the 1960s - 12/04/10 06:54 PM
For me, the legal side of adopting would favor 'foundling' since every state has rules on the birth record paper-trail. Even unattended home births have strict requirements for proof that the child belongs to the people who are claiming it.

So getting a birth certificate for a child that literally fell from the sky would absolutely require the assistance of local people in authority to smooth the way.

As for the story told around town - the town's people will simply say what they will, making the assumption that the child came from a 'questionable' background. Martha and Jonathan can go along with that, or not.
Posted By: Kathryn84 Re: Adoption in the US in the 1960s - 12/09/10 04:08 PM
Thanks for your answers.

Kathryn smile
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