Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat Archive Christmas Deadline - 12/01/10 06:46 AM
The last couple of years have seen a sharp decline in the number of submissions during December, so I don't think there's much need to issue guidelines there. Unless there's a sudden, massive surge, (in which case your EIC will go eek ) author requests for upload before December 31st 210 should be met without any problems. Barring any unusual editing issues, of course. As always, there are no guarantees, but I don't anticipate there being any major issues.

If you submit a story to the Archive during December and are not particularly fussed about it being uploaded before December 31st, I'd really appreciate you letting me know when you send it in. It's always difficult to find enough stories to upload in January. So I'll be delighted to hear from anyone who doesn't mind having their story held over until after the Christmas break.

I'd also like to take the opportunity here to offer heartfelt appreciation, three cheers and a hearty round of smile1

Deja Vu
Erin Klingler
Janet Owens
Jeanne Pare
Rona V

I'm sure you'll all join me in giving them a well-deserved pat on the back, for all of their hard work, dedication and skills over the year.

And a special thanks to our webmistress, Lauren, for holding it all together. smile

And last but definitely not least, a huge, enormous thank you to all the authors who've submitted stories this year. Keep it up in 2011, you hear?! And to those of you who may have forgotten to send along those stories – it's not too late! They'll always be welcome!

Thank you!

LabRat smile
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