Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyB FoLCdom's Awesome Feedback Culture - 12/01/10 06:37 AM
I just want to give a cheer for the awesome feedback culture we've developed in this fandom. party

There is another fandom I read in, but even though that show is in syndication and more easily accessible than L&C, the activity on its message board and fanfic archive site have dwindled significantly in the last few years, to the point where the only place to find new fic with any regularity is on fanfiction.net. Needless to say, the drek to quality ratio is pretty high, but every once in awhile, you can find some real gems. In fact, I found one this week which is so great that I was moved to leave a couple comments. I rarely do this on ff.net because I find the interface so frustrating -- limited space, limited formatting, author responses aren't allowed, etc. (It's this last one that really gets me -- no conversations with the authors? That's often the best part!)

In any case, on the most recent two chapters of this particular story, I left what I would consider to be scaled down comments -- a single paragraph of text listing a few of my favorite lines/scenes, pointing out a few areas where I thought the dialogue or plotting was particularly well done, and letting the author know I was eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Basically, what would be considered a relatively short, basic comment in an L&C feedback thread.

Well, yesterday, I got a private message from the author enthusiastically thanking me for my posts and saying how thrilling it was to get a detailed comment like that. She responded to a couple of my points, which was great, but then she added, "I hope you don't mind that I responded."

Can you imagine, a reader minding being thanked for commenting?? Especially when the comment was 100% positive?

In any case, it just brought home for me how lucky we all are to participate in the L&C fandom, where detailed fanfic comments are the norm and give-and-take with the authors just adds more joy to the reading process. So ... yay us! laugh

Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FoLCdom's Awesome Feedback Culture - 12/01/10 10:29 AM
Hi Kathy,

I'll second your sentiment!

Before I started posting fanfic here earlier this year, I could count on my hands with fingers left over the number of pieces of fiction I had ever written. I was an almost complete newbie -- and, I must admit, it showed. Still, because of the encouraging feedback I received for my earlier stories, I persisted in writing. Although I doubt I'll ever write anything of the calibre of many of the authors here, I can honestly say that I have seen an improvement in my writing. I attribute that improvement in large part to the feedback I have received both on the MB itself and from my BRs and GEs.

So... A virtual double fudge crunch bar to all who have taken the time to provide feedback. clap

Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FoLCdom's Awesome Feedback Culture - 12/01/10 04:30 PM
So, the quandry is do we get wonderful fiction because we get such good feedback, or do we get great feedback because of the quality of the stories?

I'm not too good at giving feedback, but I am great at recognizing SUPER stories! I wish that some of the writers on this board were available when L&C was on the air. The acting was always wonderful, but the writing left a little to be desired (IMO).

Just when I think I've read the best story yet, I find another one just as good. Those of you who write and send to the archives are awesome.
Posted By: Artemis Re: FoLCdom's Awesome Feedback Culture - 12/01/10 06:34 PM
Yes, the feedback here is awesome and constructive. That's what is great about it.
Also I'd like to remind readers of the search feature in the upper right hand corner of this page. You can search any of the forums by title or author, or even words within a story. So you could get all the Tempus stories, for instance. To search nfic, first you have to go to the nfic forum because of the age restriction.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FoLCdom's Awesome Feedback Culture - 12/02/10 08:13 PM
I haven't been here very long but I must admit that I've been impressed. I've been actively involved in a few other fan groups and I've never seen such participation with story feedback and really thoughtful comments. It's pretty impressive.

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