Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Classicalla Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 09:52 AM
Okay, I'm going to go ahead and tell ya' all that the Kerths have been rescheduled for next Saturday, April 24th at 6 pm EDT. If you have offered to present expect an email from Amberlea confirming. And if you can present, post here or email amber. See ya'all there.
Posted By: Angie S. Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 10:04 AM
Thank you so much folcs, you just made my day! clap
Posted By: Artemis Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 11:00 AM
Sounds great! See you there!
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 11:21 AM
I won't be able to make it, so someone will have to take Best Drama. Have a great time, everyone!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 11:37 AM

Thanks to everyone who has made the Kerth ceremony possible -- the authors, the K-comm, and the presenters.

Posted By: Nan Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 12:07 PM
I can make it if I rework my schedule a little. I may have to miss the first twenty minutes or so, but I'll be there for the rest.

Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 07:59 PM
I'm sorry to say I have a commitment then, but I'll be thinking of you all. Have fun and thanks to everyone for the organizing and hosting.

thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/19/10 08:46 PM
I had another thing scheduled that day... but it was cancelled, so I'll be able to make it! dance

I can present a category or two; just let me know where you need me.

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/20/10 08:46 PM
So this is on mIRC at #loisclark?

And is it Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time?
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/20/10 08:47 PM
BTW, I can present. (If I am given clear instructions.)
Posted By: carolm Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/20/10 09:44 PM
Saw you popped in Iolan smile .

The Kerths are held in #kerthawards and #kerthchat. The ceremony takes place in #kerthawards - the only people who can talk in there are the presenters etc. Everyone else just watches. The cheering and congratulations and assorted other celebrating [and occasional threatening if one of the presenters takes too long to open the envelope] goes on in #kerthchat.

Karen usually opens the channels well beforehand so...

Posted By: Classicalla Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/20/10 09:55 PM
Presenting is easy, Iolan. The techy people will open a dialogue box with you telling you the winner is. I believe that occurs before you give the list of nominees. Usually you would want to have something prepared to say - what the category is and then who the nominees (along with their story) is. Writing it ahead of time and cutting and pasting can help prevent a case of "butterflies".
Posted By: Karen Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/21/10 06:35 AM
Actually, the timing is that the winner is given during or after the presenter gives the list of nominees. Think of a presenter at a televised awards show. They give their speech with the list of nominees, then opening (or struggling with) the envelope. Just keep an eye out for that flashing window. laugh

I'd definitely recommend writing your presentation speech before hand, and then copy/pasting. That way there's no stumbling, and the show moves along smoothly and quickly.

Oh, and it's 6pm EDT. I'm fairly sure we're in Daylight Saving Time.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Kerths RESCHEDULED!! - 04/21/10 06:51 PM
Oh, and it's 6pm EDT. I'm fairly sure we're in Daylight Saving Time.
Yes, we are. Thanks, Karen. I corrected it!

Another thing I'd recommend about presenting. Last year the window with the winner had already closed and I got a sudden case of butterflies and was sure I'd forgotten the winner. I hadn't, but it gave me a scare. So I'd suggest writing it down. But most folks probably wouldn't forget. blush
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