Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: TriciaW Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 01:25 AM
It is with much regret that I have to cancel the Kerth Ceremony. help There was only myself and Karen, who has a very young baby. If anyone can run the ceremony, please contact me ASAP. I will be going to bed in approximately 5 hours time.

I will post the winners on the boards before I leave in the morning – the time the ceremony would have been.

A special thank you to Karen. Also thank you to all those who volunteered to present. Without support, it is impossible to run these things.

Tricia frown
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 04:49 AM
Bummer! whinging But duty comes first.

I wasn't sure whether I would have been able to make it to the ceremony (hence my not volunteering), but I had been looking forward to reading the log afterward, at least.

Is there any chance of having the ceremony rescheduled rather than canceled? I have no idea what rescheduling would entail, so I don't know whether or not this would be a reasonable suggestion. And since I am not in a position to be able to volunteer in any event, perhaps I shouldn't even be the one to suggest a rescheduling. (My DS has special needs which often require me to drop what I am doing at a moment's notice; hence I could never commit to being online in RT.)

Thank you, Tricia, Karen, and everyone else who put in all the effort for the Kerth ceremony. And congratulations once again to all of the winners and nominees -- every nominated story I read was, IMHO, Kerth-worthy.

Posted By: Karen Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 06:49 AM
I really hate that it's been cancelled. This is the first year in many without a ceremony. But even if we reschedule, we may not have enough volunteers. There were still 3 categories without presenters.

Thanks to the rest of K-Com for all of their hard work!
Posted By: carolm Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:18 AM
I could help tomorrow afternoon/evening Central Time...

Was just today that I couldn't...
Posted By: amberlea Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:23 AM
If I could get a crash course on how to run it, I would be happy to do so. I could also make a rescheduled ceremony. I'll help any way I can!

Posted By: carolm Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:26 AM
In talking with Karen, we realized that tomorrow evening would be Monday morning for like Tricia and such. Would everyone be willing to wait until next Sat? Or the Sat after? I know I can't be here next Saturday [out of town for a reunion] but the 1st I could help - probably quite a bit...

Just a thought but I know that's a long time to wait...
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:54 AM
Oh, my! Oh, no! Bummer. I'd be willing to help anyone I can, but since I'm at work, I don't think I'd have time to learn all the "special" stuff on MIRC.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:56 AM
Originally posted by carolm:
Would everyone be willing to wait until next Sat? Or the Sat after?
I'd be happy if the ceremony were held, regardless of when it would be. No matter when it would happen, there would be no guarantee that I'd be able to attend; but I'd at least be able to read the logs.

Posted By: Artemis Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 08:59 AM
Oh that's sad. I could make next Saturday, but not the one after that. Thanks to Tricia and Karen and those who volunteer to help. Yes, the stories were really great this year and it was really hard to choose.
Kudos for great work, Kerth Committee!
Posted By: Angie S. Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 09:13 AM
No matter when but we need a ceremony! The writers deserve it and there are so many great stories this year. It's sad that there don't seem to be enough volunteers anymore. (I'd even volunteer to do it (given that I had time) but I haven't been a folc for very long and don't know much about the whole thing. This might take someone a bit more experienced.)But there have to be some people out there who can volunteer.
Please...for the sake of all Folcs.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 10:42 AM
Let's do a re-schedule, and I'll volunteer to fill in wherever you need someone - even if it means I'd have to help with three categories. Just tell me which categories and which stories. smile
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 10:55 AM
I can pick another one up, too, Tricia. (If we get to reschedule - or even if we get to do it tonight.)
Posted By: BJ Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 11:27 AM
Count me as another vote to reschedule. Also, I'd love to present another category, if it means we can have the ceremony.

If rescheduling isn't an option, could we do a less formal event on another IRC channel?
Posted By: KathyB Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 11:50 AM
Rescheduling for next weekend definitely seems to have support, though I don't know whether it works for Tricia and Karen. There is no rush to decide, though. The winners could always be posted in the middle of the week, once the coordinators have had time to talk and look at their own schedules, and maybe solicit additional help.

So I would suggest NOT posting the winners immediately, but taking a couple days for the coordinators to discuss it, to make sure they aren't being rushed into a decision.

Either way, I hope those who were planning to attend the ceremony consider joining #loisclark instead. At least then we'd get some socializing in, even if we aren't congratulating the winners just yet. smile

Posted By: carolm Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 12:13 PM
Ditto Kathy. As a nominated author, I'd rather wait a couple days and see if there's a viable alternative date rather than just posting this afternoon.

As I said, next weekend is completely out for me but what about a Friday night instead? Just a thought smile .
Posted By: bobbart Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 12:26 PM
For what it's worth, I also vote to attempt to reschedule instead of canceling.

Up until a few days ago I've been compleely burried dealing with relocation and a new job. However, I am starting to ahve some time open up. I had planned to attend the ceremony today.

If there is a chance that we may be able to pull off the Kerth awards next weekend, it would be nice to see if it can be brought together.

Posted By: Nan Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 12:26 PM
I vote for rescheduling also. I'd hate to miss the ceremony.

I wish I could volunteer to help with this presentations but my life is just so busy with a brother in the hospital, not to mention about a million other simultaneous things right now that I don't think I should volunteer if I'm not 100% sure I can be there.

The Kerth Committee does a fantastic job every year. Maybe I can volunteer for something next year, assuming that life quiets down a bit between now and then.

Posted By: Classicalla Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 02:20 PM
I'm up for whatever.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 02:25 PM

I've been swamped with work lately, so...

Anyway, I vote for rescheduling if it means we get a ceremony!

Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 02:33 PM
I'd also rather see the ceremony rescheduled, and I'd offer my help but I don't think it'd be terribly helpful. I suppose I could offer to (badly) present another award if we're still short of presenters.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 06:44 PM
Okay, everyone... Tricia has sent a few of us an email offering to let us do the awards Sunday evening. How does everyone feel about that? We need some quick answers here!
Posted By: Meadowrose Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:06 PM
That's fine with me. I would prefer to reschedule rather than cancel.
Posted By: bobbart Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Classicalla:
Okay, everyone... Tricia has sent a few of us an email offering to let us do the awards Sunday evening. How does everyone feel about that? We need some quick answers here!

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 08:14 PM
What??? whinging Bummer. frown I hope we do reschedule. I can present a category if you need me, just let me know which one. I haven't been paying much attention to the Kerths this year, but I'd hate to miss them altogether.

Sundays aren't as good as Saturdays -- I have school work to do -- but maybe it'll be good incentive for me to get the homework done early. smile

Posted By: EditorJax Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/17/10 08:43 PM
I'm in for Sunday. It may interfere with my truffle baking, but I suppose I can tear myself away. wink
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Kerth Ceremony Cancelled :( - 04/18/10 04:02 AM
I'd rather have a Saturday for the simple reason that people in different time zones will have to either get up rather early (and not for work as it would be Monday morning) or stay up really late, which requires a bit of more sleep the next morning.
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