Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: cookiesmom Perry's family? - 03/20/10 01:14 PM
What do we know from canon about Perry's family?

There is Alice, of course, and we know they split up. Too many late nights at the Planet?

And they had how many sons? One? Two? One who disappointed them somehow and is out of the picture? Or am I remembering something from a fanfic?

I have an idea for a fic about a family other than Lois and Clark's.

I do NOT want to use Richard from Superman Returns.
Posted By: elizabeth Re: Perry's family? - 03/20/10 01:19 PM
I think there were two sons, and wasn't one of them called Jerry?
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Perry's family? - 03/20/10 02:06 PM
Originally posted by elizabeth:
I think there were two sons, and wasn't one of them called Jerry?
He was. He showed up in the season 4 episode "Lethal Weapon". He had just gotten out of gaol, but was heading back there by the end of the episode.

I also recall Perry having two sons, but I can't remember which episode mentioned that there were two. I do know that the other son never appeared on screen, and I don't think he was ever named in the series.

I hope this helps.

Posted By: Dandello Re: Perry's family? - 03/20/10 02:07 PM
In the current DCU, Perry's wife is Alice and they had one child - Perry Jerome Jr (AKA Jerry). He fell into bad company and ended up dead. Then Perry and Alice adopted a teenager named Kevin. (As it turns out, Jerry wasn't even Perry's kid - Alice had been seduced by Lex Luthor while Perry was out of the country.)

In L&C Perry has a photo of two young boys and spoke of having boys (plural). One appeared on the show (Jerry), the other appears to be nameless. There is no indication that Lex and Perry had any previous negative association.
Posted By: cookiesmom Re: Perry's family? - 03/20/10 05:06 PM
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