Lois & Clark Forums
Well, I always read the quizzes but so far this year have not attempted any because, well, I would do so abysmally. frown But I do get a kick out of the Kerth quizzes and they also direct my thoughts for the Kerths somewhat, too.

So I have a question: What determines how you select the qotes?
1. Do you randomly scroll down and pick a sentence or two? (like pin the tail on the donkey)?
2. Do you look for a quote that pertains to a key aspect or theme of the story?
3. Do you look for a quote that avoids key aspects of the story and so would be a challenge of the reader's memory of the extraneous details of the story?
-Do you combine some or all of these approaches? And if so what influences why you might take appraoch 2, say, for one story and approach 3 for another?

-Also: do you avoid any quote that would use the name of a key original character in the story?

or: do you have some other way of setting quizzes?

Way back I set a K quiz - it took time and care to do so (now's a good chance to thank the quiz setters for their attention this year!). So I know how i approached it but I'm curious how others have done or would do.


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