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Posted By: elizabeth What's that fic? - 12/25/09 09:08 PM
Hoping someone can remember the fic I obviously can't remember. This scene came to mind today and I am trying to find the fic it belongs to so I can read it again...

Clark is exposed as Superman while on stage in front of a large audience (at an awards ceremony perhaps?). I think exposing him to Kryptonite was involved. Perry and Lois get him to a room out the back and later he has to make his way out through waiting media - I think!


Any ideas?
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: What's that fic? - 12/25/09 09:27 PM
I believe that is the excellent fic, "When The World Finds Out by C.C. Aiken.

I read it too and had nightmares about Clark's secret exposed. On the other hand, it does end on a hopeful note.


Things I like: It turns out Perry has known the secret for years.

The kids.

C.C.'s set-up of a trap that even Superman can't escape.


There is also a version posted on Annesplace.net, the nfic Archive. You will need the password to get in.
Posted By: elizabeth Re: What's that fic? - 12/25/09 10:22 PM
Thanks for the prompt reply! Yes, that's a great story but I don't think that's the one I was thinking of.

In the one I am trying to remember I think either Clark or maybe even Lois was speaking on stage to an audience when Clark was overcome by someone deliberately exposing him to Kryptonite to expose his other identity. I originally read it quite some time ago so the details are a little fuzzy. I can't remember whether he flaked out completely or not but I seem to remember him ending up back-stage in a room and on the other side of the door were the media waiting for their scoop. I think Perry got him out through the waiting crowd. I can't remember whether or not Lois already knew about the Secret but I suspect she did. I wish I could remember more of the plot!

Thanks for you help.

Posted By: Classicalla Re: What's that fic? - 12/25/09 11:16 PM
Hmm... You know, that sounds familiar to me, too. Was that the one where Clark was speaking and was overcome as if drugged and told everyone he was Superman? Of course, that doesn't help that I don't know the name of the story.
Posted By: Artemis Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 11:41 AM
Yes, it sounds familiar to me too. I used the search engine on the Archive and the best hit it could give me was written by someone with the name that began with P. If you wanted to read all those synopsis, it might trigger recognition. Much as I love "When the World Finds Out" by CC Aiken, that took place in Luthor's bunker under LexTowers.
Good luck and let us know. I'd like to read it again too.
Was there something about a runway fashion show too, or is that another fic?
Posted By: carolm Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 12:31 PM

Is that the one where he's been exposed to K by Bernie in an effort to find an antidote and then gets a bit drunk and tells everyone? Or maybe he was exposed to red K?
Posted By: LabRat Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 02:46 PM
Aha. That was what it reminded me of, Carol, but for the life of me I couldn't remember either title or author. Till now. <G>

Is it this one?

3 Capes To The Wind

LabRat smile
Posted By: Nan Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 03:16 PM
Elizabeth, the fic you're thinking of is most likely Fear of Discovery The first one, by Yvonne Connell.

Posted By: Artemis Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 04:58 PM
Great find, Nan! That looks like it. Time for a great reread. Thanks
Posted By: elizabeth Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 05:31 PM
Thanks, Nan! YES! That's the one, thank you so much, I will now go and enjoy reading it all over again.

Thanks to all of you who replied to my request, your thoughts and ideas were greatly appreciated.

Posted By: carolm Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 06:27 PM
Labby -

LOL! That was great but not the one I was thinking of...

This one is maybe told by one of his kids? And it's a big shindig like a Kerth ceremony or something where Clark is at the head table or something like that and has to give the keynote address or introduce someone or something along those lines. I want to say one of his kids is watching from a balcony somewhere. Three days without powers?

/runs to check/

No 'Three Days without Superman' on the archive that I saw but maybe something along those lines?

Posted By: carolm Re: What's that fic? - 12/26/09 06:36 PM
48 Hours Without a Superman
by Kathryn Ann Kent

I've only read the first bit [time to get kids to bed] but I'm pretty sure that's the one I was thinking of smile .
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