Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: HappyGirl Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/09/09 11:12 AM
Okay, folcs, I'm a pretty boring gal. I dated my hubby for most of college and we got married two days after graduation. So I don't have any experience of the singles scene. Can some of you who've sown some wild oats help me out?

I'm looking for a 'wild weekend' story that Jimmy would tell at work on Monday morning. What's he been up to? Why is he running on three hours of sleep? Let the brainstorming begin.

Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/09/09 01:03 PM
Went to a bar, met a girl, hopped a train for an impromptu trip to NYC with said girl, arrived in Central Park in time to catch the sunrise and spent the day playing frisbee and eating hot dogs and slushees. He's seeing her again tomorrow.

Went to DragonCon, stayed up all night acting as games master on a massive ST:TNG RPG.

Went to CostMart for a new modem, got arrested for theft in a case of mistaken identity, spent the weekend in jail and was released only because the ADA couldn't believe that his cute baby face could possibly commit a crime. That and a gas receipt showing he was pumping regular unleaded across town at the time in question.
Posted By: Shadow Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/09/09 01:19 PM
Heh, the names are changed to protect the innocent.

Maybe he went bar hopping, made out with a stranger, went on a drunken run to CostMart, and then got locked out of his apartment building so his friend had to hoist him in through an open window at 4 in the morning.

Or maybe he threw a party that didn't end till almost 5am and maybe Jimmy also made margaritas by the gallon and they all played Circle of Death and these girls just started throwing themselves at him.

Is New Troy too far away from the coast to make midnight runs to the beach with coolers of beer?

Heh, how about he got toasted at a party and some girls tied him up and stole his pants.

Got high at a concert. That collect call from jail on Clark's answering machine that he chose not to respond to? Yeah that was Jimmy.

He broke into a golf course with some friends for night golf and drinking (i.e. playing golf with glow in the dark balls) and got arrested.

Maybe he helped throw a surprise keg party at a friend's house, met a girl, did keg stands all night and jumped the car for a fast food run in the wee hours.

Posted By: Tank Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/09/09 05:52 PM
I remember a great one from "Taxi". Bobby is giving the new kid advice on how to pick up women at a bar. He gives him his 'never fail line'.

I don't remember the exact line, but the gist of it was "Let's skip all the foreplay and just get married."

So the newbie uses the line on a gal he was interested in. She gives him a big smile and says okay. They leave together.

When the fellow comes in the next day everyone is all over him, curious as to how his night went. Turns out... they got married.

Tank (who thinks that anything Jimmy would do would be a disaster because... well, he's Jimmy)
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/10/09 10:08 AM
I don't know, Tank. Don't you think we've had the 'instant marriage' plot enough recently? wink Then again, making it Jimmy and the random girl of the week instead of L&C would be a new twist. evil

Actually, I would like some girl(s) involved in this wild weekend, but definitely not a ring.

And, yes, Jimmy is definitely Jimmy, but I'm going to attempt to rehabilitate him. So this weekend is the 'before' but I need to save any possible marriage for the 'after.' Make that the 'way, way after.'

Happy, whose working title is "Jimmy Grows Up: With Apologies to Tank"
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/11/09 07:25 AM
Thanks, folcs! I think I can put all these ideas in a blender and come up with something good. thumbsup
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/14/09 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Shadow:

He broke into a golf course with some friends for night golf and drinking (i.e. playing golf with glow in the dark balls) and got arrested.

Ahm, I wouldn't play night golf with glow in the dark balls. So, since it is hard to find one's ball again, you don't count the number of times you hit the ball, but the number of balls you need to hit the hole. wink
Posted By: Shadow Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/14/09 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
Originally posted by Shadow:

He broke into a golf course with some friends for night golf and drinking (i.e. playing golf with glow in the dark balls) and got arrested.

Ahm, I wouldn't play night golf with glow in the dark balls. So, since it is hard to find one's ball again, you don't count the number of times you hit the ball, but the number of balls you need to hit the hole. wink [/b]
LOL guys, I promise once you start drinking, you'll stop counting. goofy

Posted By: carolm Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/14/09 02:53 PM
And that's why you use white golf balls to play in the snow... Can't find? Oh, I'm sure it was around *here* somewhere...
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/15/09 04:01 PM
An added danger of playing night golf: that's when the sprinklers come on.

My house is next to a golf course. The first week we moved in was in June. We slept with the windows open and would here the sprinklers come on at about 11:00. That's not what kept us awake, though; it was the squeals of the teenage girls running through them. laugh

Carol: Can't find your golf ball? Chances are it rolled down the hill onto my lawn. Help yourself; I pick up at least three every time I mow the grass. :p
Posted By: carolm Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/15/09 05:21 PM
If I was closer, I'm sure hubby would love them! I grew up across the culdesac from a golf course [the houses across from us backed up to it] but were standard 3b 2ba houses - nothing fancy or anything. We got golf balls all the time... Dad really liked that - think it's why we moved there wink .

Posted By: Classicalla Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/16/09 05:10 AM
So this weekend is the 'before' but I need to save any possible marriage for the 'after.' Make that the 'way, way after.'

Happy, whose working title is "Jimmy Grows Up: With Apologies to Tank"
Well... Jimmy has a big crush on Lois. He admitted as much to her when he told her about his fantasy of her 'making him a man', or something like that. So how about Jimmy's fantasy comes true? But with an alt Lois?
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/16/09 11:51 AM
I dont' know. I'm so used to Jimmy being Lois's little brother figure, the idea of Jimmy and Lois together just makes me go....ewww! eek It feels almost incestual. But of course that's just what we're used to.

Now there's a possible challenge...an alternate universe where Jim and Lois are together. Of course it would have to be a more mature Jim than the Jimmy we see on the show. Then that leaves who for Clark? Mayson? Lucy? Someone completely new? huh

Creative thinking, Classicalla.
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/16/09 08:10 PM
I like the suggestion of Mayson. What if she ran into Jimmy in a bar the night Clark took off on her in the restaurant in "Lucky Leon" when Lois called (say it was a Friday) and ended up having a drunken weekend with him?

Could you imagine Lois' reaction?! It would be hilarious!
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/17/09 05:39 AM
Well, I started a Jim/Lois evil challenge over in Fanfic and so far everyone wants Jimmy dead. angel-devil I do hope someone gets inspired to finish it.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/25/09 03:03 AM
Well, I was thinking of a wild weekend between Lois and Jimmy - not a permanent thing, but something they'd might be embarrassed about later. And according to one of the scripts I read, there isn't really that much age difference between Lois and Jimmy. In the first season, Jimmy was 21, I think. And Lois was 25, I think. (I'm basing that on Clark's age of 26 and that Lois was about a year younger than him.) Also, I was thinking more of a very different Lois.

Now there's a possible challenge...an alternate universe where Jim and Lois are together. Of course it would have to be a more mature Jim than the Jimmy we see on the show. Then that leaves who for Clark? Mayson? Lucy? Someone completely new? [Huh]
Who would that leave for Clark? How about our Lois for Clark and alt Lois for Jimmy.

Creative thinking, Classicalla.
Thanks. I had Jim and Cat married in a fic... laugh

I'll have to take a look at that evil challenge. I don't know when I'd find the time, but who knows?

Where's the challenge at? I couldn't seem to find it.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Need ideas for a wild weekend - 06/25/09 05:55 AM
Jimmy was 21, I think. And Lois was 25, I think. (I'm basing that on Clark's age of 26 and that Lois was about a year younger than him.) Also, I was thinking more of a very different Lois.
Lois was 26 in the pilot, and Jimmy wasn't 21 until 3rd season, so he was 19 in first season. Clark was born in '66, and the first season started in '93, so in the pilot he was 27.
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