Lois & Clark Forums
I've got an idea for a Lucy/Jim story as sort of a prequel/backstory for Foreshadowing. Basically the story would be about growing up--the two of them becoming responsible adults instead of partying kids.

The question is...would the fandom lose interest if the main story isn't about L&C? This one would have Jimmy/Jim and Lucy as the main characters and Lois and Clark as supporting characters. Would folcs actually read something where L & C are not the main characters?
If it interests you, write it. Will it have as many readers as a story where L/C are the main focus? Probably not, but most stories, even for the narrowest of niches, have readers.

Last summer, I finished Learning to Love and wrote Learning to Love: Lucy's Story - the whole thing was from her POV and Jimmy was the second prominent character. It didn't have as many readers but I loved writing it. LtL was traumatic at times for L/C but for Lucy during the same time period was mostly just a love story with Jimmy and it was a very nice change of pace for me.

So write what you're inspired to write. Be aware that you often limit your audience but there are definitely those who will read it if it's well-written etc [and I don't think you have any problems there wink ].

So we get to see it... when exactly?

I agree - write it! I think all of the secondary characters from the show are interesting. Now, you probably wouldn't get me to read a story about Lana...but I like Lucy and Jimmy.

So we get to see it...when exactly?

Um...after I get Forward revised for the archive and then after I actually write it. Which could take who knows how long. Some real life issues intervened so that we are now expecting the new foster kiddo towards the end of June. So after that, writing schedule depends on the kiddo and the muse. smile
I read just about everything. As long as it's not too yucky, I'll read it.

who doesn't expect a love story to be yucky, just giving an example of stories I don't read
Well, the opening scene is written. My hubby says "You're writing another story? I thought you were done with that!" Guess he didn't like the three weeks of me immersed in the computer and ignoring everybody else. wink But this one will go in dribs and drabs, so the family will still have me around. (Famous last words.)
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