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Posted By: carolm FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/19/08 07:41 AM
In a simple, uncomplicated, uncontested divorce, where the couple isn't fighting over anything, how long is reasonable from filing to final? 60-90 days?

How long after said divorce is final can that person remarry? Depends on the state? Immediately?

Or is this one of those 'as long as it's not too unreasonable' things?

I tried Googling, but my head just started spinning. I think I was still in a 'head spinning' place from that time travel stuff the other day...

Posted By: Karen Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/19/08 07:44 AM
I think the time from start of proceedings to divorce varies by state. Some friends of mine had to be separated for 6 months before they could get a divorce. My parents' divorce was about 4 months or so (July - October). I believe you can remarry almost immediately... my father remaried a little over a month after the divorce was final.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/19/08 09:59 AM
As long as a divorce is truly final and the divorced party can answer truthfully that he or she is not married to anyone else, then you could apply for the license the same day that the divorce is granted. The only delay in actually marrying the next spouse would be the waiting period for that state, and this varies from state to state.
Posted By: dcarson Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/20/08 03:31 PM
How long you have to wait varies a lot. Maryland has a 12 month required separation before you can get divorced. And as a friend of mine found out are strict about it. Went to a family event and both he and his wife spent the night in different rooms. Since they had spent the night in the same house the 12 month wait started over. So if you want to cause problems for the characters it is easy to justify.
Posted By: sunrei Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/22/08 02:06 PM
I researched something similar for a wip fic that is still hidden in the trenches of my 'writing' folder...

Anyway, there are some states that grant 'no-contest' divorces, meaning that as long as there is nothing being fought over, etc, there is no separation period. Basically, the only hold up is the time between signing, filing, and judgment. It just so happens that Kansas is a no-contest state. I should mention that in my research, there were no children involved, but I'm thinking that if custody arrangements were already agreed upon, there wouldn't be much change (not that there are children involved where you're fic-question is concerned, but just in case wink ).
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/22/08 06:57 PM
I believe that the laws in New Troy state that in order to have a divorce one or both parties need to prove that illegal proceedings, physical abuse or sexual abuse has taken place. Without that there is no divorce ever. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what the law says. laugh

Posted By: grinch525 Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/22/08 07:11 PM
I concur with Elisabeth. No divorces allowed in New Troy, especially in the case of one Lois Lane and the other Clark Kent. It's the law. It can't happen. laugh
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/26/08 06:03 AM
I just hope this has nothing to do with OTOH or UP... mecry
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/26/08 06:20 AM
Jor-El said Kryptonians mate for life
Clark in OTOH 52

So, divorce is not allowed for Kryptonians. devil
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FFQ: Divorce and remarriage - 11/27/08 06:55 AM
Well, it doesn't look all that promising when you look at the context:
"So how do you see this marriage playing out? Is it going to work or are you two going to get a couple years in and decide that you made a mistake and trying to make it work for the sake of the baby just isn't worth it?"

I propped a foot up on the dash. "Jor-El said Kryptonians mate for life, but I'm not sure this is exactly what he had in mind. I *want* it to work as long as possible."

"Does that mean 'till death do us part'?"

"I hope so." Navance's death anyway. And soon would be good. I sighed.
Besides, the way it looks, Clark hasn't done the mating thing with Lois yet (or maybe he has but doesn't remember). Instead, he is emotionally attached to Lana as a possible mate...
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