Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Jaenelle Looking for fic - 11/09/08 02:18 AM
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find a fanfic I read a while back (possibly in the Archive?). It's pre-L&C getting together.

In it Lois is insecure as to her 'abilities in bed'. She goes out with old friends on New Years and Paul from college is there and they all make fun of her calling her frigid. She's distraught, Clark comes over to comfort her and she decides that she should sleep with him so he can tell her what she's doing wrong, etc. They get into it, then she decides she can't sleep with someone who doesn't love her, so he tells her she does and it goes from there.

I've been searching for it for ages. Desperately hoping someone here recalls it.
Thanks everyone.
Posted By: MetroChumpy Re: Looking for fic - 11/09/08 02:39 AM
Wendy Richard's Happy New Tears. I know it's on Annesplace, I don't know if it's in the regular archives as well. Like all of Wendy's stuff, it's a great one!

Jessi thumbsup
Posted By: Jaenelle Re: Looking for fic - 11/09/08 03:12 AM
Thank you sooo much!! That's made my night. Off to read it again now. hyper
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