Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lovesuper97 LabRat - 04/23/08 06:05 PM
When are you going to write again? I love your stories. laugh
Posted By: LabRat Re: LabRat - 04/24/08 05:59 PM
Well, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them.

Writing...is at a really bizarre time right now. A long time back - over a year now, I think - I simply woke up one morning without the desire to write. I don't understand why, but there it is. I don't even miss writing. Which is pretty weird considering it's been a huge part of my life since I was 9 years old and I've been writing like forever, since. dizzy

I miss writing in as much as I miss the fact that it made me more a part of this community than I am without it. I miss the dialogue between myself and the readers on feedback threads. I miss posting stories. But...just don't miss writing them. At all. Don't even think about it these days.

Like I say, it's bizarre. But that's where I'm at. Maybe one day, I'll wake up and the Muse will be back. Who knows?

LabRat smile
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