Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Tank A polite plea to current fics in progress - 04/13/08 11:59 AM
Okay, here's the deal. I'll be leaving on Thursday to go to the big NY ComicCon the coming weekend. I won't be back until Sunday night.

So, if all those writers who have fics in progress will post their next parts before Thursday it would be much appreciated. Then you can relax for a bit and wait until late Sunday before posting another instlament.

It's not too much to ask... is it?

Tank (who likes to give the writers advance notice as to when their readers might be unavailable)
Tank, I'm not sure if you're reading Fidelity or not, but how fair would it be if I gave you preferential treatment above all the other people who've bugged me to post earlier?

Tell you what: I'll consider it. laugh
Ooooh, I can maybe get the next part out, but that's up to my Beta type peoples laugh

Another plea to fics in progress: as the boards will be shut down from April 25th until April 27th, eek the gentle writers would make me very, very happy if there were new parts posted before then, so that we can have lifesavers chapters to get us through the boards downtime. help
Already intending too, Andreia. At least for the nfic version smile The gfic one is scheduled for Sundays anyway, so I should be safe from those guys: wildguy

Posted By: Tank Re: A polite plea to current fics in progress - 04/20/08 04:21 PM
I'm back so let the posting begin.

Tank (who finds the shut down timing quite acceptable since he'll be very busy working on his own spring convention, MicroCon, which is april 27)
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