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Posted By: stopquitdont Questions galore! - 07/27/07 07:22 AM
I need help! dizzy


First one... During Contact, what season would you say it is?

Ultrawoman- I know the name of the sisters with the red K, but could someone spell their last name for me?

What's a good name for a boy from south Africa? For a man?

We know they gave Kerth awards on the show... Did they actually mention a Merriweather award? Or is that fanfic cannon? How about a Baily? Or is it spelled Bailey? What would be the differences in the three?

And the Pulitzer Prize... What does it look like? Statue? Paper? Anyone know the details for which they'd give one in journalism?

I think that's all for the moment. I'll probably be back with more questions soon, though.

Thanks in advance for anyone who answers.

Oh, and one more little question... Anyone interested in beta'ing for me?

Posted By: Matrix Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 07:36 AM

Let's see if I can help...

First one... During Contact, what season would you say it is? -- I say fall, just because the show usually tried to follow the seasons in real life and since Contact was episode #3, it would have been the end of summer/first of fall (Sept/Oct)

Ultrawoman- I know the name of the sisters with the red K, but could someone spell their last name for me? -- I didn't look it up but I believe it was Newtrich. Gene Newtrich was their brother - he dug up the red K in "Individual Responsibility".

What's a good name for a boy from south Africa? For a man? -- I have no idea on this one. My husband knew a man from there who was named Kendrick...

We know they gave Kerth awards on the show... Did they actually mention a Merriweather award? Or is that fanfic cannon? How about a Baily? Or is it spelled Bailey? What would be the differences in the three? -- No, they actually mentioned the Merriweather award. It was in the episode "Foundling". Lois is hot on Clark's burglary because she is hoping the story might get her a Merriweather nomination. I don't remember the other award - don't think it was mentioned. I would think, just for the purposes of the show, that the Kerth award was considered bigger than the Merriweather. Perry seemed to make a bigger deal out of it.

And the Pulitzer Prize... What does it look like? Statue? Paper? Anyone know the details for which they'd give one in journalism? -- Ooooh, good question. I don't know this one. I want to say it would be some kind of statue or Plaque, but I just have no idea.

-- DJ
Posted By: Caroline Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 07:48 AM
The Pulitzer site has some interesting information about the prize that might be helpful to you - especially in the History/Administration of the Prizes section. It sounds like the winners get a certificate of some sort along with a cash award, but mostly what they get is the prestige of winning.

One thing I didn't realize until I read Rick Bragg's All Over but the Shoutin' is that the prizes are announced publicly before any kind of a ceremony takes place. So it's not like the Kerths in the show, where all the nominees are there and then the winner is called up to the podium. The winners know they've won before the Pulitzer luncheon is held, and then it's a fairly low-key affair. Not sure if that helps at all with your story, but I thought it was interesting smile .

Posted By: beethoven Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 07:57 AM
1. Contact is season 3 (ep.3.3)

2. Newtritch(?)

3. sorry, can't help here thumbsup
Posted By: TOC Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 08:37 AM
I found these baby names popular in South Africa, Squid. Maybe you can use one of them.

South African baby names

Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 08:56 AM
First one... During Contact, what season would you say it is?
*Bangs head on desk* Oh man I'm a dork.

For some reason I thought you were asking what season of the show it was in! I think I need a nap...

I did a brief yahoo search and found this site: African Names Not sure if it would be of any help, but...
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 04:15 PM
For South African names, you don't specify what ethnicity you're interested in. Names vary a lot depending which race/culture your characters come from.

Are they Afrikaners (white South Africans)? If they are, then since this group comes mostly from Dutch settlers their names tend to reflect this: think of some of the pre-Mandela presidents, such as Pieter (Pik) Boetha, Frederik (FW) de Klerk, Marais Viljoen etc.

If they're black South Africans, they could be Zulu, Nguni, Sotho, Tsonga or, like Nelson Mandela, Thembu. Mandela's birth name was Rolihlahla; according to Wikipedia, a schoolteacher called him Nelson, after Horatio Nelson, because he couldn't pronounce Rolihlahla. Most black South Africans have 'European' names, a consequence of apartheid - think of Steve Biko, Oliver Tambo, Desmond Tutu. An exception is the current president, Thabo Mbeki. I knew a black South African man called Sunny.

So it matters whether you want the characters to be black or white, really.

Wendy smile
Posted By: HatMan Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 05:16 PM
For confirmation, I used the link at the top of the boards to check out the script. It is, indeed, "Newtrich." As in wealthy lizard. TV.com's ep guide (also linked from that page) concurs.
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 09:31 PM
In actuality, the winner doesn't actually get a medal, at least not anymore. It's a monetary prize and that is it. The papers are called on the day they are awarded and told if their nominee(s) won, and also who the finalists were, and then individual newspapers usually celebrate.
Posted By: beethoven Re: Questions galore! - 07/27/07 11:10 PM
what an azz am I (as in Donkey x horse...)
Season as in time of year (spring summer etc...)
well that was a bit foolish of me to rush on with my previous post...

I think it is a shame that the medals are no longer given out for the Pulitzer... Bank-checks from prize-giving ceremonies are so much harder to show off to visitors (HMM note to self, if ever I win a Pulitzer use the money to commission a gold-smith/silver-smith etc. to make me a medal, if the committee don't give me one)

I remember from my high school chemistry classes, learning about certain European Nobel-Prize winners (for science), who (During and Prior to WW2) dissolved their silver prizes into beakers of acid, then had them stored in safe places by their friends, before escaping to England and the US. Hence at the end of the war the were able to "recover" their medals by commissioning them to be remade after the silver was recovered from the solution....

I don't know if that was an old-wivers-tale or not, but it sure stuck in my head and enabled me to learn about the principles of electrolysis of metals...
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Questions galore! - 07/28/07 01:44 PM
I think it is a shame that the medals are no longer given out for the Pulitzer... Bank-checks from prize-giving ceremonies are so much harder to show off to visitors
My newspaper has a special gallery of the stories that have won down, all framed and mounted with a plaque that says when each one won the prize, down by the lobby, and I assume most papers do the same. I doubt many papers would walk around with the medal and show it to everyone that comes through the newsroom. They have better things to do, like focus on winning their next Pulitzer.
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Questions galore! - 07/31/07 06:57 AM
Thanks everyone! You guys are great! I've found a name (and it was a boy, Wendy) I can use. I've tweaked the details about the Pulitzer a tad (but just a tad), keeping the Merriweather, and turning the Bailey into an actual award.

As for how this all relates to L&C, guess you'll just have to wait and see! evil

Posted By: beethoven Re: Questions galore! - 08/01/07 07:58 AM
still, I Know the paper may exhibit the framed winning articles, but I WANT MY MEDALLION/TROPHY

I think even if my employer did receive a trophy for whatever prizes I had won for them, I would want to be able to have my own trophy-

Didn't CK present his medallion to Metropolis in SL&VT

Academics always (usually ?) keep any major prizes such as these for themselves, and not the institutions that they work for...

I may still have to commission that silver smith after all
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Questions galore! - 08/01/07 03:04 PM
Superman won the International Peace Prize, not the Nobel Prize.

And I think you missed my point; there is no trophy or medal for the Pulitzer for the journalist or the newspaper. It is a cash prize.
Posted By: RL Re: Questions galore! - 08/03/07 08:15 PM
The Merriwether Award was canon. It was mentioned very briefly in a first season episode (The Foundling?) where Perry just announces to the newsroom that "our very own Lois and Clark have been nominated for a Merriwether". We never hear about it again and don't know if they ever won.

EDIT: Whoops, already mentioned.
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Questions galore! - 08/07/07 05:58 AM
Thanks everyone for your help. Would it be unheard of for a reporter to win the Pulitzer twice? In back to back years?

Posted By: EditorJax Re: Questions galore! - 08/07/07 07:19 PM
A reporter definitely could win twice ... it wouldn't be easy given how many stories are nominated, but if it were Lane and Kent, I'd say it is entirely possible.
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