Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: queenoftheb looking for a story - 07/10/07 08:44 PM
I think I recall a story I read a long time ago that involved Nightfall or some other asteroid. Clark/Superman flew out to break it up, started running out of air on the way back and blacked out. When he woke up it was three or five years later. I think Lois may have had his baby during that time. Is this familiar to anyone?

Thanks for any help...
Posted By: Tahu Re: looking for a story - 07/10/07 10:32 PM
yeah it is but I can't recall the name. Sorry.

It happend because of a hole in the time or something like that and everything changed because of it. It was a great story
Posted By: daisymay390 Re: looking for a story - 07/10/07 11:17 PM
I know that one! There are actually two very similar stories, one is part of the 5th Season and its called Faster than A Speeding Bullet by Sheila Harper and I can't find the other one right now, but they are very similar. There is an nfic and a gfic for both I believe.
Posted By: symbolicangel Re: looking for a story - 07/10/07 11:36 PM
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but It Happened One (Super) Night by Wendy Richards, is very similar. In this story, Superman is making his way back to earth after destroying Nightfall and he loses his oxygen tank.

smile Hope that helps!
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: looking for a story - 07/11/07 11:10 AM
The gfic version is Faster Than A Speeding Bullet . The nfic version has the same title and it's on Annesplace. In the gfic version they're married and in the nfic version they're engaged. Both are great stories. thumbsup
Posted By: queenoftheb Re: looking for a story - 07/11/07 06:36 PM
Thank you all so much! I think Faster Than a Speeding Bullet is the one I was looking for all this time! I forgot enough that I didn't realize they were already married and I kept searching for Nightfall instead of another space issue.
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