Lois & Clark Forums
Yeah... seriously. I know, it's a weird request.

I have this um... character... and um... he's mostly... mmm... well, a fish. Kinda.

Yeah, yeah, I know!!

Anyway... another character is addressing him, in a condescending way, using a nasty fish-related adjective (or pun?). In a sentence like: "Oh, pipe down, ______________"

What could I replace that blank with?

Thanks! laugh
hehehe! That would work! *lol*

Thanks Lisa!!

stupid guppy? (I don't know why, but I find the word 'guppy' funny.)

Sorry these were lame, but I couldn't resist. This is a very intriguing question! laugh

Also, once Paul sees this, I imagine he'll come up with about a hundred-- pulled directly from the list he has been compiling for just this purpose... fish-related adjectives.

Paul has a list? Really? Hehehe! You guys never cease to amaze me. laugh

"Bait" reminded me of how, in Finding Nemo, the fishes in the tank used to call Nemo "Shark Bait" - I just might use that... it sounds completely hilarious to me right now. *lol* (and yeah, "guppy" is definitely funny!)

Thanks CC! smile
slimy eel
toad wannabe
bottom sucking catfish
dirty wall cleaning Oscar
lawyer of fishes (?)

I'll come back if I think of more smile
erm... well... as it turns out... I was going to go with something nasty, but the dialog changed too much and - while I'm still going to use some sort of fish joke - I need something that's not so insulting.

So, I dunno, any sort of equivalent of "farmboy" or "lunkhead" - which is condescending, but somewhat endearing - would be really cool! laugh

(sorry to change my mind, here!)

Thanks for the help! laugh
Hehe, I think you should go for Sharkbait. That sounds pretty hilarious to me too, and it sounds like it could actually be kind of affectionate. :p Sorry I don't have any fish witticisms to add to this list, I'm afraid I just don't have that special fish naming talent. goofy
How about "four-flushed flounder"? No? Too insulting, I suppose.

Equivalent to lunkhead? Hm.

Ocean dweller?
Poor excuse for Poseidon? or
Poseidon wanna be? (or could use Neptune in either)
Reason for tartar sauce?
King of Atlantis (uttered in a sarcastic tone).

Any help? Or muddied the waters further?

Paul has a list? Really? Hehehe! You guys never cease to amaze me.
lol, not quite. That's what we in the writing business like to refer to as "hyperbole." wink

I have, in the past, been able to spontaneously generate lists of options for random queries like this, but fish-related descriptions seem to be escaping me at the moment.

However... endearing and aquatic...

What about:

the phrase "Wet behind the ears" comes to mind
Captain SCUBA
Moby D -- er, never mind
(Captain) Nemo
Reef Boy
Pool Boy
Water Boy
Flounder Face
Pain in the Bass
Sea Lion

Any of those work for you?
Oooh! wonderful suggestions!! Paul, that list is awesome, I could just kiss you! ("Aqualung"? I thought that was a song by Jethro Tull, I didn't realize such a thing actually existed. *tries to hide a silly grin*)

Keeping all of these! laugh They're not all going to make it into this one story, but this character is going to come back eventually, so I'll have plenty of names to call him later.

...btw... King of Atlantis... *lol* Funny you should mention that - it's the character's actual title. mwahahaha!
Glad I could help.

An aqualung is kind of a primitive/early version of a SCUBA tank.

And yeah... had a feeling that was whom we were talking about.
I bet Paul is really good at cross world puzzles. laugh
Paul does enjoy doing the Sunday Times crossword puzzle... but only if he's working with his dad.
Somehow, the term 'swimboy' springs to mind...
Or gill-head (It's the hated nickname of Aquaboy/Tempest from the Teen Titans)
Goldie? (Only if it's a goldfish)
I vote for "Fishface" -- could be scornful or affectionate, depending on context and tone of voice...

whose judgment may be suspect, considering she has previously used "sexist creep" as a term of endearment goofy
lol Paul. Pain in the Bass.
LOL Kelp-for-brains. Let's see, who just used "pool boy" in a story? (snaps fingers) I know! ML Thompson!
piece o' pisces
I like: krill (as in whale food... really tiny stuff)

I loved Paul's Captain Nemo
given that Nemo comes from the latin for "no-one"

what about (name) flavoured cat-food (or too similar to shark-bait??)
*lol* You guys keep cracking me up! laugh Thanks for the suggestions!
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