Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Arawn Another, which fic is it. - 02/17/07 05:47 AM
I had an idea. "Help me find this fic" is a rather common topic. How about a sticky so that they don't clutter the forum?
I think it makes it easier for people to ask if they don't have to start a new topic each time they suffer amnesia. smile

This one drives me insane because I have read it multiple times. And I know it will take Maria or Simona just 2.3 seconds to get it.

L&C are an item. Lois doesn't know and takes a bullet for Clark (Not TOGOM) - hospital scenes- Clark takes her home with him to his place against her protests and nurse her back to health.
Posted By: IreneD Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/17/07 07:29 AM
This sounds like one of Erin's stories - What It Means to Love You.

Thanks for reminding me of this great story! I'm going to reread it today.

Posted By: Arawn Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/17/07 08:00 AM
That would be the one Irene, thank you. I only checked out the Kerth's six years back. blush
Posted By: Simona Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/17/07 09:44 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Arawn! wink
I love all of Erin' stories, but this has a special place because it's probably the first or second fanfiction I've ever read!

Simona smile
Posted By: ErinK Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/17/07 01:42 PM
Yep, that's definitely WIMTLY. I'd recognize it anywhere. laugh And holy cow, I am SO flattered to know that people are still interested in reading this fic! Just knowing that makes the work I did on it worthwhile. blush
Posted By: Laura S Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/18/07 07:28 PM
Well that premise sounds amazing, so I'm off to go read it. smile
Posted By: Arawn Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/20/07 07:06 PM
Hmm, so what did people think about a sticky for "help me find this fic" questions?
Posted By: woody Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/20/07 07:16 PM
I think it's a good idea because not only will it help people find the fics they are looking for, it'll be a great way to learn about ffics you haven't read.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 12:57 AM
I had an idea. "Help me find this fic" is a rather common topic. How about a sticky so that they don't clutter the forum?
I think it makes it easier for people to ask if they don't have to start a new topic each time they suffer amnesia.
As I've said on another thread, I don't, personally, see any reason to make a sticky for this kind of post. Stickies need to be used sparingly and only for very good reason. If you use the facility too often, its purpose gets lost as the threads disappear into a pile of subjects.

I believe the last time you pitched for it, Arawn, you said something about them 'cluttering up' the folder. I just don't see that either. I don't think they clutter the folder up any more than any other topic posted here.

So they have to have a good reason to be stickied and I'm just not seeing it here. The fact that these posts are popular and you get a lot of them, seems to suggest that FoLCs aren't as shy about posting them as you believe them to be, Arawn. laugh

I've certainly seen no indication of that.

Imo, the reasons given for having a sticky on this one can equally apply to almost any other topic posted. I'm not seeing why this one in particular is so different that it requires the special attention.

As you seem to feel strongly about it, however, Arawn, you could mail the rest of the admins or do a poll on it. As I say, this is only my view. But, for now, it seems an unnecessary sticky to me.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Arawn Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 02:08 AM
The fact that these posts are popular and you get a lot of them, seems to suggest that FoLCs aren't as shy about posting them as you believe them to be, Arawn.
Well that depends on how much a lot is. Speaking for myself I’m reluctant to start a new thread whenever I can’t remember.

Imo, the reasons given for having a sticky on this one can equally apply to almost any other topic posted. I'm not seeing why this one in particular is so different that it requires the special attention.
IMO, it’s that most often the question can be answered with one post.
Also to clarify, By sticky I mean answer to find a specific fic, not when people ask for recommendations, for example.

As you seem to feel strongly about it, however, Arawn, you could mail the rest of the admins or do a poll on it.
Naa, it was only an idea.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 02:12 AM
Well that depends on how much a lot is.
Well, it would have to be a lot to warrant a sticky, for one thing. laugh If we were only talking about the odd, once in a blue moon post, I doubt the idea would even have occurred.

IMO, it’s that most often the question can be answered with one post.
Although it very rarely is. laugh FoLCs can usually find a way to turn the simplest thread into an interesting discussion and we tend to have more thread drift than most forums. wink

Seriously though, I'd go for a poll. It might be interesting to see whether people really are worried about posting on this topic (although for the life of me I can't imagine why) or whether there's generally wide support for the idea of a sticky.

Just going back to that point and out of general curiosity, what is it about asking this particular question that makes you nervous about posting, Arawn? Again, from my perspective, I'm not seeing what the difference is between this one and anything else you might want to post on. But there obviously is one, so I'm curious as to what it might be.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Arawn Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 03:56 AM
Just going back to that point and out of general curiosity, what is it about asking this particular question that makes you nervous about posting, Arawn?
It’s has nothing to do with nervousity. It’s more like unease if anything, I feel a resistance because, as said, I think that it pushes down general purpose threads and because I most often think I should know the answer. (Given some patience I will find it out on my own.)

Now all in all, it’s no big deal either way. But I think I would post more queries in a sticky.

Then again I could be wrong. smile
Posted By: Karen Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 08:07 AM
I agree with LabRat. Stickies could get to be too cumbersome, and if there are a lot of requests, it could generate several threads.. plus the discussions. What if one thread got to be too long? Do we unsticky it?

Half of the reason for this part of the forum is for searching for fics, by the way. Just for numbers sake (because I'm avoiding work as usual), there are 11 topics with the word Searching in the title, 154 with the word Looking, 300 with the word fic, and 150 with the word story. Granted, the ones with fic and story aren't always looking for a story, and most of the ones that are fit in with one of the other searches, but that's still a lot of posts. laugh

*sigh* Back to work...
Posted By: LabRat Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 09:00 AM
Just for numbers sake (because I'm avoiding work as usual),
goofy , I enjoy seeing the discussions that often spark from these and just trying to see if I know the answer to the question and can help. It's like a little mini mystery to solve. laugh

I could be alone, of course. wink But, regardless, these kinds of posts are a completely legitimate question to be posting in the Fanfic Related folder and have as much right to be posted as any other general topic, so no one should feel that they're getting in the way of other FoLCs' threads or that their post is in any way less relevant or important than the others around it.

As Karen says, that's partly what the thread is here for. Exactly what it was designed for. So never feel you're wasting everyone's time.

LabRat smile
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 09:52 AM
Arawn, thanks for explaining. I see - it's kind of that you feel you're spamming the folder unnecessarily. Well, it's only my view of course, but I really love when a 'looking for a fic' thread appears in this folder. They always brighten up my morning when I see them. There's always the possibility that it's one of my stories that's being sought for one thing , which would always have me wearing a silly grin for the remainder of the day.

But, beyond that perpetual search for an egoboo , I enjoy seeing the discussions that often spark from these and just trying to see if I know the answer to the question and can help. It's like a little mini mystery to solve.
I know exactly what you mean, LabRat . . . I get the same feeling when I see those threads.
Posted By: ErinK Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 05:34 PM
I agree, too, LabRat. I love "looking for a fanfic" threads! I am always looking for good fanfics to read, and if somebody is looking for a fanfic to re-read and posting to ask for help finding it, it must be a good one, right? wink

I always take note of the fanfic title and add it to my "must go check it out" list. smile
Posted By: woody Re: Another, which fic is it. - 02/21/07 06:32 PM
I had seconded the recommendation for stickying it because it would make it kind of a one stop shop for seeing the names of fics FoLCs are looking for, but on second thought, it would get difficult to find a new request for help buried in a long thread, while starting a new thread ensures the request is always at the top. As far as filling up the forum, it could have the effect of pushing threads farther down the list, which can sometimes be a virtual grave for a thread. Not that it always is, but I'm referring to a thread that is fifth or so from the top of the non-stickied threads vs. 12th to 15th from the top. Some only scan the top few. That said, it seems best the way it is.
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